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Whats the worst beating you've ever took in the Dojo????

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Last Tuesday, 12 rounds of boxing with Masterpain, I decided that because he was getting the best of me, that i would continue to charge headlong into his fists and he counterpunched. Had a migraine for a day and a half.

The great widsom to be gained here, and this goes for all of us, is that when your sparring partner suggests that you stop due to looking disoriented, agree to stop.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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I got all rowdy wanting to train for full contact knockdown. I was also, however, WAY too tired and dizzy to fight that day, but I fought anyway. I threw a kick at my Sensei, he caught my leg, I lost my balance and I came down wrong, hyper-extended my knee to the side and snapped my ACL right through. That pretty much ended the class for the day- they'd NEVER heard me scream in the dojo before. Grunt, yes, laugh and said "WOW that was a good one," yes, but NEVER had I screamed.

That'd be the worst injury, anyway.

As for beatings, eh, those are generally a blur. I go into berzerker mode and I don't really tally up the aches and pains until later when the adrenaline has worn off. I've gone home from class covered in bruises many a time. I've had my bell rung with a punch to the ear and I've had the wind knocked out of me. I've had a few fights with Sensei where I've had to say "mind if I just lie down here for a minute?" a-la Ed Gruberman.

You know that feeling? Where the pain reaches a certain threshold and you're just kind of done? And you have to lie down? that doesn't happen too much any more. I've had a few shots to the shin where I've gotten a little too quiet and pale and had to pause... but at least my threshold has been raised.

Anyway, still, the worst has most certainly been my ACL snapping, though that was more of an accident than a beating.


"If you can fatally judo-chop a bull, you can sit however you want." -MasterPain, on why Mas Oyama had Kyokushin karateka sit in seiza with their clenched fists on their thighs.

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Heh, yeah, we're the crazy ones. :} And thanks!

Though I have to say, by and large the Kyokushin people I've met have been some of the sweetest, humblest, give you the shirt off their backs kind of people I've ever met.

I guess they have nothing to prove, haha!


"If you can fatally judo-chop a bull, you can sit however you want." -MasterPain, on why Mas Oyama had Kyokushin karateka sit in seiza with their clenched fists on their thighs.

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Not a bad beating, but a funny story that goes with the theme.

I was a 2nd Dan (about 20 years old) in a regular sparring class working with a white belt student. The wooden floor was a former dance studio with a lot of polish on it. It got VERY slippery when wet with sweat.

Sparring clas was always popular at this dojang, & it wasn't uncommon to bump into a member of another sparring pair next to you.

As I was working with this white belt, a side kick came from the pair next to us, missed it's intended target & hit me square in the chin. Knocking me on my butt. I knew the guy I was working with didn't hit me, but who did? The two guys next to us were a blue & a brown belt in their late 30's who had been friends for severl years. While both showed concern for my well-being, neither fessed up to throwing the kick. One of these guys was a lawyer. :D

I wound up going to urgent care that night & receiving 3 stitches under my lower lip. I trained with both of these guys for several years after & neither would ever tell me who threw the kick.

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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Heh, yeah, we're the crazy ones. :} And thanks!

Though I have to say, by and large the Kyokushin people I've met have been some of the sweetest, humblest, give you the shirt off their backs kind of people I've ever met.

I guess they have nothing to prove, haha!

I think that goes for all MAists, evergrey.

I've never met so friendly people before starting Karate.

No matter the style or location. No matter if you saw them before or even know their names.

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Heh, yeah, we're the crazy ones. :} And thanks!

Though I have to say, by and large the Kyokushin people I've met have been some of the sweetest, humblest, give you the shirt off their backs kind of people I've ever met.

I guess they have nothing to prove, haha!

I think that goes for all MAists, evergrey.

I've never met so friendly people before starting Karate.

No matter the style or location. No matter if you saw them before or even know their names.

Oh yes, it's a wonderful world!

The only exceptions for me (when it has come to meeting people in person) have been a BJJ guy who hated all TMA and it's "trappings," and an Aikidoka (of all people!) who did his level best to harm me at a party. Guess he still felt he had something to prove?

Funny thing, when my instructors let it be known that they would like to speak with him and his sensei, he magically vanished off the face of the earth!


"If you can fatally judo-chop a bull, you can sit however you want." -MasterPain, on why Mas Oyama had Kyokushin karateka sit in seiza with their clenched fists on their thighs.

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I can't say that I've ever taken a beating in sparring, as we are all very controlled when sparring. The upper belts are all very careful when sparring lower belts, so as to teach without injuring.

Now during technique practice, my partner was practicing the throw with his cane around my neck. His circle was a bit too wide, and I ended up getting a piledriver into the floor :( Thank God for padded floors.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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