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"Speed" Board Breaks

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" Speed Breaks" It is not the amount of 'muscle' which you hit the object with, it's the speed at which you hit it that matters. You can produce just as much power by striking the object at a higher speed while using less 'muscle'."


One of the break requirements for my next dan are 2 speed breaks where the boards are held only held at the top or bottom. This type of breaking is very difficult and requires speed. You have to be quick enough to strike through the board before it has moved back from the force of the strike.


This type of setup is used for horizontal strikes like punches. However last night in class I tried a "hook" punch speed break that my master said he had never seen demonstrated. I felt pretty confident as I feel I have a mean hook. I broke 2nd shot n/p. So I got that break down. Next I need to concentrate on the kick.


Now opinions please..... should the kick come from the lead foot (hence in my opinion more speed) or the back leg (yes, more power but by the time foot connects speed I feel is diminished).


Any comments, tips, web sites ...

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Nice job!


It sounds like you want to keep your breaks linear. However, I've done a lot of speed breaking with spin heel and spin hook kicks.


I even managed to pull off a jump spin heel speed break for competition (once) where I was facing one direction, broke, then pivoted 180 degrees and did the same to the board behind me with the opposite foot.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Hi KC,


Sounds like your halfway there on your breaks!! As far as a kicking speed break, I would tend to think that you'd want to attempt to do it with your lead leg as that is where you have more speed vs. power with the rear leg. How about trying to perform the break using a scooting round kick off of the lead leg? I know your in TKD, but no need to get too crazy on your break :D.......or is there? Although you could perform a speed break from a spinning technique, there still that factor of power being generated by spin. Anyway, just my thought on the subject.


Mind of Mencia

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My fav speed break is the speed punch, cause not many chics can pull it off. I see you did, Kickchick :) Good job.


I've done speed breaks with the roundhouse (back leg) or a 360 roundhouse. But you have to be fast and accurate with that one. I did it at a tourny. It was cool. But practice at it before you attempt it at the test (if that's what you choose to do).


I'm going to try the spin hook kick next :D But my specialty is power breaks (only because the guys think I can't do it, but I do :P :D ).

Laurie F

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We have never had to do breaks for a test. We will play arround with breaks from time to time but we usually use the rebrakable boards. Sort of hard to speed break them. LOL. I don't have any advice except do the move you do best.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Thanks to all of you for your advice ... you said it G95, I am definitely going for the technique that I can do the best. KSN, I do like the hook but I may try that one.


My girlfriend (master's wife) held her board in front of her and just popped a jump front kick. I may try that.....


I have trouble with my 360 round karatekid1975, I'm jealous of you now! Seems I can't pull back my toes and kick with the ball of my foot on that particular round technique. I manage to kick with the instep intead and that won't work. So next time I will try the hook and a "pop" round off the lead... (.... I did do the round off the back leg and no go!)


and Pacific, no I'm keeping rather simple for the "speed" break but maybe something a bit crazy for my "power" break ... hmmmmm


I will be working on the bag preparing for some more breaks ... I'm truly surprised that my knuckles aren't a bit sore after last night .... must be all the supplements I'm on! :wink:

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congrates with the break! i tihnk i lead foot kick would be better. but you can get alot of speed with a back foot kick and you get more power. but lead foot is more speed ( i think )


well what ever you chose i hope you do well with it!

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KickChick wrote:


I have trouble with my 360 round karatekid1975, I'm jealous of you now! Seems I can't pull back my toes and kick with the ball of my foot on that particular round technique.


I didn't say I do it with the ball of my foot, silly. I use the instep. But I have to be fast or it hurts like !@#$. Been there and ....... OUCH LOL

Laurie F

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