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Disrespecting the Dojo

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As the owner/sensei of your dojo, what would you do if one of your Black Belt Sempai/instructor was talking bad about the Dojo behind your back?

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If I had irrefutable evidence confirming it, then I'd expel him/her from my dojo for life. No if's, buts, or maybes!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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If you're 100% sure about it, speak to them about it and then expel them. Its bad enough if a student talks bad about their dojo/instructor but if a sempai/instructor does it, its inexcusable.

And make sure everyone in your school knows that that isn't acceptable behavior. You don't have to name names but make it clear that its not something you expect from your blackbelts or students at your school.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I'd like to sit down and ask them what it is they don't like about the school. See if anything positive can come out of it. If not, then expulsion would be the alternative.

My question would be if they are badmouthing me, my abilities, the training, or just talking about things they'd rather be learning. Those are the thigns I would want to figure out.

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To play devil's advocate - define "talking bad".

Let's say you're out to lunch with a friend and you're venting about things going on in the dojo you are unhappy with. That is not what I consider "talking bad" - however you're also not painting a favorable picture. Also, let's say that friend you are talking with somehow repeats what you say and it gets back to your instructor.

Not that I would worry - I'd simply tell the truth. I was venting about things I was unhappy about to a friend. I believe that's called freedom of speech. :P

Anyway, what are your thoughts?

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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"If you are caught disrespecting another student (senior or junior) or Hanshi or the Hombu you will be asked to leave immediately. Therefore, only Hanshi reserves the right to define the word, DISRESPECTING!!" This is one of my dojo rules.

Talking bad can be as simple as spreading a rumor or tell a confidence; gossip about another student (senior or junior) and/or the dojo and/or Hanshi (me) and/or the Hombu. Venting is cool, just as long as no student and/or the dojo or myself or the Hombu are disrespected.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Truth or not, respect but be displayed at all times. In that, it's not what is being said, it's how it is being said. Truth and Rumor are the same thing if spread viciously.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I knew a senpai who did that. talked smack about our instructor and dojo (Usually complaining that i wasnt being graded fast enough for his likking.) I didnt like that senpai, and I love my karate teachers, so I got away from him as he left to teach at his own school, and now I don't have to worry about him anymore. I never told our teachers what he said. But I know there is nothing ethical or moral about that senpai. I don't know if i should have tolod or just be quiet. He would complain that Sensei very often chose the same student to demonstrate or lead warm ups or something. Point was, that this student is the highest ranking Senpai. So naturally he often did it more than the others. But the first Senpai didnt care about that. I knew him personally, not just as a student and I think some time during his childhood, he got dropped on his head.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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I think it really depends on what was being said.

My school is pretty traditional, and I have an interest in MMA. Sometimes I lament that the style of sparing we have in competitions isn't to my tastes. Does that mean I'm talking bad about the school?

There's a big difference between "I think that assistant instructor got his black belt off eBay, there's no way he deserves his rank", and "I hate that we don't have mats at this venue, so we hardly get to practice takedowns at the Friday class".

One of those remarks is flat out insulting, the other is stating something that can be verified, and expressing the viewpoint that it's a sad thing.

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