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Best training partner ever


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My wife wouldn't make a good training partner because she's a yellow belt and I'd have to go to sleep one day; I shudder the thought of what she'd do to me.

:lol: Oh no!!! Hahaha!

Yeah, my personal experience with trying to spar with my significant other is completely negative so far. The first guy I dated who was a martial artist was open to sparing. It was pretty fun and educational actually, since he studied a different art and it was useful to practice techniques against different shaped attacks. However, every time he felt as though he won, he would go out of his way to tell me why his art was better and more complete than karate. I'm not really about making fun of other people's styles so... yeah, that didn't last long.

The next martial artist boyfriend I had studied aikido, which I thought was really cool at first. However, he was just a beginner and he wouldn't go to class, so when he asked me to practice with him he couldn't move me at all (and I'm not a big person either lol poor guy). Also, none of the beginner-level joint locks he tried worked as I am incredibly double-jointed. He would get so frustrated and competitive. He even went so far as to join my karate dojo, which I tried to encourage as much as possible, but then he would tell me that he didn't want to train with me taking the same class because he was a man, and didn't want to seem like he was lower than his girlfriend.

Sometimes guys just don't get it I think.... My current boyfriend plays soccer, and I love him!

"My work itself is my best signature."

-Kawai Kanjiro

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i love ippon kihon kumite! for that exact reason, try the best block that works for me and hone it, plus it gives me a chance to practice other moves as well like nukite, yoko empi etc.

No idea of your grade, but if you can see, try this. When it's your turn to attack, move from outside distance, in two beats. First by minuscule movement, then when you see a reaction, and can guess where they will be, move to where they are going. Don't hit anyone if you can do this, it's bad manners. Good luck.

Btw, this is a technique to hone your "eye", you have to be especially good to make it work in real match.

Shizentai, don't get me started about my daughter........

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JohnASE wrote:

I remember one customer saying that he didn't allow spouses to spar against each other or kids to spar against parents, because of potential problems.

We have a "karate mom" at our school who I would love to recruit into classes. She is there all the time, and very supportive of the school, but says she does not want to train because her daughter is a teenage brown belt in the adult classes, and could whoop her mom big time! She said she feels it would undermine her authority at home to have her daughter outranking her in class. Too bad, she would be really fun to train with, but I do see her point! :)

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i love ippon kihon kumite! for that exact reason, try the best block that works for me and hone it, plus it gives me a chance to practice other moves as well like nukite, yoko empi etc.

No idea of your grade, but if you can see, try this. When it's your turn to attack, move from outside distance, in two beats. First by minuscule movement, then when you see a reaction, and can guess where they will be, move to where they are going. Don't hit anyone if you can do this, it's bad manners. Good luck.

Btw, this is a technique to hone your "eye", you have to be especially good to make it work in real match.

Shizentai, don't get me started about my daughter........

i am a green belt at the moment grading in august to blue. do you have a video or images of this so i can see how it's done and practice?


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