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What Would You Like to Know About Me or KarateForums.com?

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Hey all,

The livestream is on Saturday from 5-8 PM ET (GMT/UTC -4) and as part of the show, we're going to talk about the history of KarateForums.com.

Is there anything that you'd like to know about me or the community's history? Please let us know and we'll likely ask and answer it on the show!



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Patrick, good timing! :lol: I've been thinking I was going to ask about this on the livestream in light of the recent milestone here on the site:

I've always wondered how you ended up deciding to launch a martial arts based forum. You've stated a couple of times you don't have a significant background in the arts. So what prompted that choice?

Also, one of the things that sets this site apart is it's vibe, and choice to keep style basing and out of hand arguing off limits. It's a rarity in web forums these days. Especially martial arts ones. How did that choice, to keep that garbage out, come to be?

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Awesome, Alex! :) Of course, anyone is welcome to ask me a question at any time via PM or through the contact form, but I figured it'd be fun to see what people would like to hear me talk about on the show. :) We'll tackle both of those!



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I've always wondered how you ended up deciding to launch a martial arts based forum. You've stated a couple of times you don't have a significant background in the arts. So what prompted that choice?

That is my same exact question! Great minds think alike :P

Always wondered why on earth you started a martial arts forum, Patrick, when you don't practise yourself. And does this make it more difficult (or maybe easier?!?) to run because you can't always join in with all the threads that are going on? Especially at the start of KF.com's life I've always wondered how you got things going when you yourself don't do MA. What did you talk about?

Also I guess it'd be cool to know how (if at all) KarateForums.com has made an impact on your life. You started it pretty young and its been a decade!

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Did you use a template to select each forums NAME and/or did you receive any assistance in this process from a martial arts source or?

Did you use Banner ads in the beginning?

How are Banner ads selected for KF?

How many times have you, if at all, had to upgrade to a larger server?

Where would you like to see KF in the next 5 years?

What new changes are you and your staff working on to improve KF for it's members in the very near future?

How do you let the public know about KF outside of the internet, if that's even possible nowadays?

How long did it take you to create KF's "User Guidelines"?

Did you at first not even think of having a "User Guidelines"?

Concerning your Network, which is intense in size, was KF first?

How many times has the KF Main Page changed over the years?

What was your proudest moment in KF?

What was your worst moment in KF?

What was you biggest AHA MOMENT at/with KF?

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Wow, Bob, thanks. That's a lot. I'm sure we'll pull from this for the show! ONLY 20 MINUTES AWAY! :)

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Damn I just remembered my question I was going to ask!

I wanted to know as you do not participate in martial arts, do you have any other hobbies and interests outside of KF that you enjoy doing?

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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