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What does KarateForums.com mean to you?


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Hey all,

In light of this occasion, I wanted to start a thread and simply ask, when you think of KarateForums.com, what does it mean to you? How has the community helped you? What does the community stand for, for you?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and appreciate you sharing them.



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KarateForums (KF) is a great resource. Information is available from so many different styles and organizations and from a diverse group of people (young, old, short, tall, etc.). Furthermore, the members are down to earth, regular folks willing to answer a question or offer a suggestion. I think it is that last aspect that really makes KF a community. People being themselves, not arguing for the sake of arguing or trying to convince each other that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. This is in part due to the high caliber of our members and also to Patrick's and the staff's efforts to keep KF true to its original form and intent. It all comes together to produce what I believe to be a fine community of martial artist and a great resource for martial artists.


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KF has been, and I'm sure will continue to be, a fantastic place to hang out and discuss a varitey to topic realted to the arts. The greatest assest to the community has been the culture that Patrick has tried to, and succeed in, creating for the site.

Unlike so many martial arts site, the chest thumping that normally occurs and bashing of styles and lineages does not go on here. Beyond the moderation that occurs, I believe that it's because the bulk of the membership active on the site truely "gets" Patrick's vision.

The greatest assest, for me personally, is the wide varitey of opinion and backgrounds of individuals represented here as well as several sets of unique experiences that revolve around the martial arts. It's that kind of cross section that really lets people get a feel for how other arts and artist look at a given problem. It's a great education in the mindset of various arts.

Additioinally, it's become a great outlet to give back, if in some small way, to a larger group of like minded individual well beyond the circles that I normally frequent locally. This has been an exceptional experience. One that has allowed me to get to know a handful of individuals via social media, ect.

Here's to another ten years and more interaction with such a great group of people.

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KarateForums.com means everything to me. KF burns bright within my soul, both as a martial artist, but as an individual as well. Without KF, I've nothing, and with KF, I've everything.

Great discussions across the board, great fun, great times, great experiences, great moments, great laughter, great joy, great variety, great affection, and most of all, great friends!

KF is a place where each and everyone can get together to discuss the martial arts in a very friendly atmosphere no matter the rank, and in that, rank has no meaning here, therefore, rank takes a backseat. KF is a place where we're all equal, no matter experience or the lack thereof.

KF allows me to escape from the rigorous responsibilities and stress of the Shindokan Hombu as its newly reelected Kaicho, yet rewarding, and to forget about daily expectations and requirements that cross my desk, if only for a moment, to refresh my mind and my spirit.

KF allows me that opportunity to broaden my personal and martial arts horizon, to leaps and bounds that are not of the Shindokan world. A chance to reconnect with my fellow martial artists outside of Shindokan. Sometimes I forget that the world is a big place, and in that, the world is full of people from all different walks of life. Full of martial artists that possess a plethora of different experiences and knowledge. I crave that which I don't possess, and the members here at KF, are exceptional people first, and they're exceptional martial artists second.

And when I reenter the Shindokan world, I'm revitalized! I'm anew! I'm a better person and a better martial artist because of KF, because of Patrick, because of his staff, and because of each and every KF member!!

KF means everything to me, and if my words here have not been clear or my words became muddled, please let me just say this from the bottom of my heart...



**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I really love karateforums. I found it at a tough time in my life. I was still in Iraq and would wake up each morning at 3am so I would have a chance to make a phone call and send some emails before morning PT. It gave me a sense of home. A connection to the art and type of people I had left behind. It's funny, if you go back and read my posts from that time...you'll see I have a much different attitude than I do now. It was a very rigid and militaristic view of things. I like that KF has allowed me to grow and given me access to ideas and people I would not otherwise ever meet.

Thank you for that! Happy Birthday. Here's to 10 more!

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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KF to me has been a place that has opened my eyes so much to different aspects of the MA world. I didn't really know what bunkai was until I saw the word kicked around here at KF, and have learned so much over the years from all the helpful members of this site. Its a great place that I feel extremely comfortable sharing any and all of my MA experiences.

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As a martial artist I find its easy to get boggled down in your own art or school. At Karateforums I can have a much broader experience of the martial arts, learning about other schools, styles, and organizations. I feel this gives me a much wider viewpoint and has greatly enhanced my training and my teaching skills. I also have gotten to meet many people from all over the world who I would have never met otherwise, each with their own story to tell. I visit this forum nearly every day, sometimes twice a day.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

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This was for me one of the first places on line I found to discuss our passion for martial arts in a respectful manner exchanging information, asking and answering questions. We made friends here, we shared information. We learned.

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Ed, Alex, Bob, ps1, Brian, Jennfer, Pat and Ashley - thank you for sharing that and for sharing of yourselves in this manner.

I can't fully express what it means to me to read what this community means to you. I've dedicated a portion of my life to it and to hear that the community has meaning, and so much meaning, to you... it is very touching. ps1, your post in particular.

The value and meaning that you find here is because of everyone who has ever contributed to this community and everyone who has ever been a great member of the team.

Thank you again for sharing of yourself.



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