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Looking for a Kata...


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OK, i got this from my sensei

" These are the Koryu Uchinadi kata you will see at the dojo. Concentrate on Tai Sabaki - as explained, we have condensed all 6 of the TS kata into 1 so visual the other 5 uke when you view the kata."

i have 2 PDFs with the movements(not sure how to upload them), so i guess this Kata is not one that would be wide spread known like the others?

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Can you elaborate on your style's name and or teacher's name? And if you want I can look at the pdf files for you, if you think about email them over to tdraym@gmail.com I can get that one through my phone, other wise I won't get a chance to look at it until i get back from vacation. In our style we do 42 different forms by the time we reach yondan, so even if it's a variant I think I would be able to notice something similar with it, but maybe not. but feel free to shoot it my way.

I find myself dabbling into a lot of different martial arts styles, some I've been awarded rank in, but I don't feel as if I deserve them.

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That said, however, a little Google-fu does reveal that Yasuhiro Konishi created a set of kata called Tai Sabaki Shodan, Nidan and Sandan: http://www.google.com/search?q=tai+sabaki+kata&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Those kata look a lot like the Pinan/Heian series with some extra bits. I can't really see anything relating to tai sabaki as they seem to be "up and down the line" kata. Very interesting though.

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I got your email, and I still don't know what to think about the kata. I have never in my life ever seen anything similar to it. It has elements of shotokan kata as well as some shito ryu kata, primarily Juroku (in terms of the 'checks')

I would say most of the influence is from Shuri, but I am still perplexed to it. Perhaps it's a localized ryu-gata (School form).

Does your teacher offer any information on it's history? Because now I'm pretty interested in it too LOL

I find myself dabbling into a lot of different martial arts styles, some I've been awarded rank in, but I don't feel as if I deserve them.

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I have karate tonight, I will ask him tonight about the history. The thing with me, still being new, is that I Cannot remember any Japanese names, makes it hard for me to remember things right now.


Ok so after asking him the question, i got a 15min answer on the history of it all and now i don't remember anything. I know that what we do is called more Karate-Jitsu, the katas(if you want to call them that) that we learn are not really katas, he called them.. waza i think, and they are based on a 2 person drill.

he said to look at http://www.koryu-uchinadi.com/ for more info.

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