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Hiya all. I'm not karatekid. I'm just using her computer. My name is Ann, and I'm interested Shotokan. I have my first intro class next week. karatekid told me a lot about the martial arts (which I've been interested in for years, but didn't have the guts to start till she talked me into it, and found me a school near me). But she does Korean MA. I was wondering about forms (she says hyung, but I think here you say kata). I watched her do them and I fell in love with forms. I was wondering what the names of the forms you do. Or post a website or two for me to look at. I'll get karatekid to help me with looking up the website (I'm NOT good with computers ..... she's helping me as we speak). I'll be here all weekend, so post a way.


Thanks in advance



Laurie F

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When I practiced Shotokan, I really enjoyed doing Nijushiho kata. Others I enjoyed were Jion and Jitte kata. In my old Kenpo days, I had katas like Golden Crane, Blue Willow, and Mountain Giant.


By the way, if you have Laurie as your inspiration for joining karate, then you can't go wrong!! :)


Mind of Mencia

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Well the first Shotokan katas most learn are Taikokyu and then the Heians. And that should take up a couple of years. Then Bassai Dai and Kanku or Tekki shodan.


I really think I am going to move this thread to Getting Started in the MA though. Maybe it fits better there.

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Hey Ann .. Welcome to KarateForums .. (any friend of Laurie's is most certainly a friend of mine) Glad you managed "somewhat" to register here. Please come back to Intro to let us know your KF "name" ok?


Yep kata for Japanese Karate and Hyungs/Poomse for Korean .... so you chose Shotokan huh? That's ok I still like you! :wink: J/K LOL


... I have tons of links on "katas" however they are Korean/TKD hyungs/forms/poomse/katas/.... sooooo I'm sure our Shotokan members can and will help you out ... right guys???

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Thank you KC and Pacific :brow: Ok, how much I owe ya for that LOL Just kidding.


Anyways, It was my fault she joined Shotokan, Kickchick. She knew nothing about MA, so I looked for schools for her where she lives. Most were Mcdojangs. So, there was two choices. Shotokan, or KSW. I let her make the choice. She chose Shotokan, because of the kata/hyung LOL. That was also my fault for showing her my TSD forms. I was showing her how similar they were. And she fell head over heals for forms LOL. So she'll be walking around talking about the Heians (sp?) .... pyung ahns to me.


I did look at a TKD school for her, but they were ..... ummm, shall I say, McDojang :D They are popular here.

Laurie F

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You got a rep here, karatekid???? LOL. She's right Kickchick. I picked it. I didn't have anything against Tae Kwon do, just the school I saw. I know nothing about martial arts, and but I knew they ..... well .... stink. That says a lot about them. I know a little about technique (thanks to karatekid), and I didn't see any ...... eeeekkkkk. I don't have any technique (yet) but I know what a front snap kick looks like, and that wasn't it LOL. Oh, and Karatekid told me a lot about you also (lotta good things, don't worry). She said to ask you about fitness stuff :)


I feel so welcome guys, and gals. Thanks all.


White belt Shotokan.

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