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Spinning kicks and Arial kicks....

High kicks, when done properly, are effective in a real fight?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. High kicks, when done properly, are effective in a real fight?

    • Heck ya!
    • No way!

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.....How effective do you think these are in a real street fight combat situation??? Have any of you ever executed a spinning or arial kick in a real street fight?? I've had a few experiences in which I haved used spinning kicks, and only 1 situation where I used an arial kick. And I was actually successfull at doing so. So let me know what ya'll think?? :karate:

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I have had ariel kicks done upon me and against other and I find them extremely effective , if done correctly. You can without much effort send your oppenant flying several feet backwards which gives you the oppertunity to run away or if you too slow do further damage. I do use spining kicks on the odd ocasion. I generally only use them if I find my self off balence or with my back turned.


Now as for the poll I believe high kicks are extremely useful espically when used in combinations. Personally I like do a couple things with them.


I like doing a low kick to the knee followed immedaitly with a high roundhouse kick to the side of the head with the same leg. :) I also enjoy praticing high front kicks to the lower jaw/ neck/throat. If your flexible you can do one of these kicks at fairly close distances, after a few body shots, ie punches, followed by a high front kick to the jaw is also very affective, and if your not that flexible strike the solar plexs causing your oppenant to bend over gasping, that way you don't have to lift your leg up too high to kick/knee them in the head. So yes I believe if done properly high kicks can kick @$$.


Thank you

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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Never under any circumstances would I kick above the waist in a street fight! I wouldn't kick with my rear leg either. In a street fight you must be quick, precise, and very mean. A kick to the inside of the knee along with a punch or palm strike to the face and then a knee to the face works wonders.


And yes I have had my share of "street fights"

The Yak

"Patience is the key to understanding"

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I don't know about that. I certainly wouldn't use a spinning/ariel kick now. Maybe if I were really really good at them. I used to be pretty good at them, but I never once used them sparring. If you're going against someone who knows how to take advantage of you, that's a relatively long time to have your back turned and your balance compromised... and if they have mercy on you and simply get out of the way (instead of planting your face into the ground), that's still a lot of energy you've just expended for little or no payback. But then there are people out there with kicks to the head that are so fast you couldn't block two of them in a row, so...

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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1. You are not loose. Yeah we can still kick that high but its not like we can durring class.


2. Type of clothes. Its hard to kick in blue jeans and certin types of shoes.


3. Ground. If its wet, muddy, on gravel, on a hill, etc. Makes kicking a lot harder than in a dojo.


4. Protection and missing. Everyone expects head shots and there hands stay up. Thus its easy to block head kicks. At the same time the head can move pretty quick and it is eaisy to dodge. The legs and knees are much less defened espically by a non MA.


I am NOT and never will be a fan of high kicking for SD.....

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Depends on the kick, a high side kick or a high swing kick is never really going to help you, not only are they slower to perform but the height pulls a lot of your bodyweight from the kick. A crescent kick though, if timed and performed correctly, or a downwards kick (note: our downwards kicks are aimed across the chest, not for the shoulders or head) or a twisting kick can be devastating. Part of their effect is that if there are any other people considering attacking you they'll usually decide to put it off after you've just torn their mates pectorals off their chest with a good downwards kick.


Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Is a "High Kick" effective in a fight... Yes and No!


A high kick is not effective in the beginning of a fight, since your opponent is awake and fully aware. It's telegraphing and also causes trouble if the kick is caught or your standing leg is clinched or swept. Yet if you can daze or stun your opponent first, then use a high kick it will definitely cause an injury or knockout to your opponent!



Tapout or pass out, it dosen't matter to me!

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For self defense, no. Don't get me wrong, I love the spinning kicks, and arial kicks. I do TKD, and I'm working on the 540 :D . But to me, that's all for show. I think it's dumb to try them in a real fight. I totally agree with The_Yak on this one. I got in a self defense situation before and the "been there done that" thing, I know low kicks work better.

Laurie F

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