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My first tournament is coming up.


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Good day.

This is my first post, so I am still brand new to the art of karate.

Just a bit of background. I am 29 years old. I have been practicing Shotokan karate since the beginning of March 2011. My first grading exam will take place on the 24th of May where if I'm found to be provicient in the qualifying criteria, I will progress to 9th kyu yellow belt.

My first tournament, hosted by our club will take place on the 25th of June. It is compulsary for all students that have been with the club longer than 3 months to compete in this tournament.

I have an open division, which means that all gents over 18 from white to black belt will compete. What can I expect from this tournament? I have never competed in any kumite bouts and would like to be well prepared. How much force can I expect from my opponent's kicks and punches? How do I prepare my body physically to deal with the force of these blows? And can you suggest any training tips on how to handle the impact of these?


Character, sincerity, etiquette, effort, self-control.

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It reads as though you are concerned about contact. Aside from conditioning your body, and match experience, I can't think of a way to prepare for getting hit in competition.

Just remember that your opponent will react to your attitude. If he feels threatened by your aggression, nervousness, or uncertainty, he will react to protect himself.

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That is absolutely correct. I am not sure as to how much force is considered a legal blow without you or your opponent actually getting a warning for excessive force and lack of control.

Another aspect that is concerning me is the fact that it is an open division which means that the draw sheet could match me up with a black belt in the first round and I would most likely for lack of experience have my backside handed to me on a gold platter.

My basic thoughts on it is to not be afraid of getting hit, to try and score first and score when the opportunity presents itself. Other than that to try and avoid my opponent from nailing me with a convinsing scoring shot. Would this be the correct mentality to have? Also another thought crossing my mind is give it your all.

Character, sincerity, etiquette, effort, self-control.

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Talk to your instructor about the contact levels that will be involved. Although I am unfamiliar with Shotokan tournaments, I don't believe that they have hard contact tournaments. That doesn't mean hard conact won't happen from time to time, but for the most part, I don't think you would be getting totally pummelled.

Best of luck to you, and go in with an open mind. You will learn quite a bit in the experience.

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This is your first competition match. Don't think to much about it ahead of time. Sparring is the time of reflexes, and being in the moment. The ability to think while sparring is something that only comes with experience. Just go with the flow.

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Thank you guys.

I aleady feel a little bit more at ease knowing that there are some people who can give some advise, that's been through it.

I will chat to my instructor as well and perhaps ask him to demonstrate a couple of tournament quality punches and kicks on me and also assist me in when to contract muscles to cushion the blow.

I hope that as I grow and develop in the sport that I will also one day be able to offer my knowledge to those in need.

Domo arigato.

Character, sincerity, etiquette, effort, self-control.

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I do a very similar style! Higashi.

I've also been to a load of open competitions and have been up agains some shotokan teams.

The contact is minimal really.. you won;t come away with a busted up face.. if you do thats just bad luck! face contact usually means being disqualified..

you'll be safe!

Brown belt - 3rd kyu in Higashi Karate Kai.

You can't win the race until you've joined the race

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