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Confused Sempai...

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Im a new Sempai who was just recently giving the pleasure to teach first year white belts in September. I was wondering if some of you could give me some tips, games or exercises that could make class a little more fun, yet still educational for the youngsters. :) ~ Thank you in advance~ :)

"Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make" -Bruce Leehttp://www.myvidtodvd.com/mysmilies/otn/other/leseratte.gif

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youngsters? how young!? 4 year olds??? :-? I think teaching the really young ones is the most challenging for me...I have to be their baby-sitter, parent, and martial arts instructor at the same time!


Anyway, yes classes should be fun for the young ones...You should be strict and assertive to maintain control over the class, but never scare them away..Make sure you smile!.(If they misbehave, give them warnings and then take away their belt..This teaches them that their actions have consequences.) Also make sure you don't teach them too many techniques in one class, or kids will get bored and lose focus...Remember to keep it simple!


For exercises, I find that kids love competitions that involve speed, height, or distance...For speed exercises, I hold relays...They run to the other side of the dojo and do 10 pushups, and then run back and tag their partner...(then they run down to do situps, jumping jacks, punches, kicks, etc)


For exercises that involve height, make them do the jumping front kick and see who can go the highest! For exercises that involve distance, make them do the flying sidekick..anyway, i hope this helped!!


Anybody else have more suggestions?



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It can be a terrifying experience to face 19 white belts some eager some not so. Maintaining control is important but don't scare them too much or some of them tend to leak. (true we call it trial by urine) They do love to punch targets. And remember those who are really trying get extremely frustrated when they don't do well.
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Thanks, Ill really keep in mind everything you've all told me. It makes alot of sense, keep it short and sweet. Btw, im teaching two seperate classes, one white belt class (ages 6-10 if Im not mistaken) and a small class of Little Dragons, although I won't be alone (another newly "hired" Sempai will be helping me) this will still be a challenge lol Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, tips and sites, they've all really helped :)

"Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make" -Bruce Leehttp://www.myvidtodvd.com/mysmilies/otn/other/leseratte.gif

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Be yourself. Don't try and do everything the same way you Sensei does. Teach what you know. Stick to the really simple stuff don't try and show off. Always build up your kids never tear them down.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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