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I am gathering statistics on the martial arts community. All data collected is for research purposes and will not be used in any commercial manner.

*EDIT* I have created a quick form to enter your information into a spreadsheet. I have manually entered everyone who helped before my first thank you post.

If you would like to help, please just fill in your info in the easy form below.


Edited by Kruczek

Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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I'll help out

Gender: Male

Age: 30

City: Honolulu Hawaii

Monthly Cost of School: Free (instructor)

Style: Shotokan

Current or Last Organization: FSKA

Rank: Sandan

Favorite Kata: Unsu

Favorite Move: Gyaku zuki

Starting Age: 8

Black Belt Age: 16

Straight Step or Moon Step: Not too sure what this means but just in case, I teach all movements to go feet together/in then out when moving forward

Primary Gi Top Color: White

Primary Gi Bottom Color: White

List of Katas you teach/consider part of your style:

Taikyoku shodan, Heian shodan all the way to godan, tekki shodan all the way to sandan, Jion, Bassaidai and Bassai sho, Kanku dai and sho, Empi, Chinte, Jiin, Jitte, Meikyo, Gankaku, Gojushiho sho and dai, Wankan, Nijushiho, Unsu,

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im only a yellow belt but ill answer what i can.

Gender: male

Age: 15

City: argyle

Monthly Cost of School:$80

Style: Shorin ryu shudokan and danzan ryu juijitsu

Current or Last Organization: okonawan karate club

Rank: 7th kyu

Favorite Kata:taikyoku nidan

Favorite Move: ogoshi to armbar

Starting Age: 15

Black Belt Age:

Straight Step or Moon Step: moon step

Primary Gi Top Color: white

Primary Gi Bottom Color: white

List of Katas you teach/consider part of your style: i only know tiakyoku shodan nidan, sandan and niahanchi shodan

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Gender: Male

Age: 22

City: Ustroń, Poland

Monthly Cost of School: 50 PLN (zł)

Style: Shotokan

Current or Last Organization: PZK under WKF

Rank: 7kyu

Favorite Kata: Heian Yondan

Favorite Move: Mawashi geri

Starting Age: 21

Black Belt Age: --

Straight Step or Moon Step: Straight Step

Primary Gi Top Color: white

Primary Gi Bottom Color: white

List of Katas you teach/consider part of your style:I only know Taikyoku shodan, Heian shodan all the way to godan, tekki shodan, Bassaidai, Kanku dai

A style is just a name.

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I'll bite

Gender: Male

Age: 40

City: Boston

Monthly Cost of School:$150

Style: Uechi-ryu

Current or Last Organization:Kenyukai

Rank: San Dan (3rd degree)

Favorite Kata: Sanseiryu

Favorite Move: Shomen geri

Starting Age: 23

Black Belt Age: 28

Straight Step or Moon Step: Sanchin step (I guess you would consider this a moon step)

Primary Gi Top Color: white

Primary Gi Bottom Color: white

List of Katas you teach/consider part of your style:Sanchin, Kanshiwa, Kanshu, Seichin, Seisan, Seiryu, Kanchin, Sanseiryu

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Thank you all for the help so far. I think everyone caught onto the moon step thing, but to clarify, If you bring your feet together and then out, it creates a crescent moon shape. I just refer to it as moon step - but I guess that is probably ambiguous.

Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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I studied statistics many moons ago. What are your credentials regarding your ability to ask and interpret a poll? It is is a precise scientific endeavor, not something that can be done by a lay person?

Fair enough. I am a college undergraduate student finishing up my third year. I have taken multiple statistics classes and am enrolled in an operational research class that focuses on information analysis. I am no expert and have no intentions on publishing any data as such, but am personally interested in things like what percentage of people (polled) wear multi-colored gis like myself, or what the average length of time between starting Karate and getting their black belt is among those polled (noting that I didn't ask who took a break in between and that would impact the results). If you have any other questions/concerns - please feel free to message me or contact me via email (theodore.kruczek@gmail.com) and I will do my best to satisfy you.

Okinawan Karate-Do Institute


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What kind of credentials are required to ask and interpret a poll?

Depends on who is funding it. A personal poll on a free online forum? I'd say the ability to type.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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