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Hey Ramcalgary,


I didn't mean to dis you partner. Let me ask. Is it particularly the ground and pound type fights like Mark Coleman and Kevin Randelman are famous for that you don't like? I found that when the UFC started being dominated by wrestlers who had great takedown and positioning skills but only minimal submission or striking skills it did get really boring.


Now however we are seeing a whole new generation that are cropping up like Robbie Lawler (UFC is pushing him really hard on it's Fox sports channel broadcasts) who started training because of the exciting early UFC contests. They are the first generation of American fighters who have grown up with mixed martial arts. Lawler's fight with Aaron Riley looked like a Muay Thai match with submissions thrown in. Exciting strikers like Vanderlai Silva, Kazushi Sakuraba, and Shonie Carter etc. who also have dynamic aggressive, go for the submission not stall in positon type styles are what makes the latest round of MMA fights more exciting than the ground and pound bores of only a couple years ago.


These last few guys and their peers have been around for a while but now that NHB is featuring weight classes more prominantly these non juggernaught size fighters are getting more and more notice. As in boxing it's the lighter weights that tend to turn in the more consistently exciting bouts.


What was the last MMA event you saw? You can give it another look for free this Sunday if you get Fox Sports Channel. You might be pleasantly surprised. Then again I don't like coffee or beer no matter how good they are to someone else. Vive le difference!

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