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Patrick and Brian (bushido_man96) at Podcamp 2010


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Hi all.

Patrick and I had the opportunity to meet at an event called PodCamp in Topeka in November of 2010. Patrick was the keynote speaker at the event, and Topeka is about a 4 hour drive from where I live in Hays, so me and the family made the arrangements to get to Topeka so Patrick and I could meet in person.

Here is a picture my wife took of me and Patrick:


The PodCamp was quite interesting, and I learned a lot. One of the sessions that Patrick led was on moderating community forums, and he let me help him out with it, which was fun.

I wanted to share the picture, and thought that this would be a great opportunity to actualy get together in person, living as far apart as we do.


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That's pretty cool. I was the head admin for a forum on Facebook once. Largest Catholic group on Facebook-- over 100,000 members. It was certainly a full time job-- especially being a religion group, and you know how the conversations can turn out in those kinds of groups (probably why that kind of conversation isn't allowed here). Wish I coulda heard the presentation. :-) That's awesome that you guys got to meet!

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Thanks all. :)

I just realized that there are about 40,000 KarateForums.com posts in that photo. :lol: :)

Thanks for posting this, Brian. I really appreciated you, and your family, making the trip up.

When I found out that I would be speaking in Topeka at Podcamp Topeka (http://www.podcamptopeka.org), I wanted to see if there was any way that Brian could make the drive so that we could meet up. He brought his family along, meaning that they all had to get up at, what was it, 4 AM? Some ridiculous, awful time. :)

But, they made it and I was able to meet and hang out with Brian for a good part of the day. I met him literally right before my keynote in the morning and was able to talk about the connection during the presentation.

It's a little rough (and a bit hard to hear), but you can watch the keynote here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/10675060

I also led two breakout sessions - one on experimenting in social spaces and a second on moderating an online forum. I proposed that second one knowing that Brian would be there, so I invited him to join me and he stood and addressed the room at numerous points, talking about how we manage the community here at KarateForums.com. He did a great job.

Meeting and spending time with Brian was one of the highlights of the event for me, after having known him through this community for so long. I believe he's the first person that I met that I first met at KF, and the second current or former member of staff that I've met (following James Dasher, a.k.a. member #2).

I look forward to meeting more people I've met here, in person, in the future. :)


Edited by Patrick
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Thanks for the kind words, Patrick. It was a fun time.

In case anyone is confused, I'm the short round guy on the left. :)

It was pretty cool to get to stand up and talk about what we do here at KF to those that were interested in moderating forums. I've seen places that have done a bad job moderating, and they didn't last very long. The fact that KF has been around for 9 1/2 years is a testament to a process that works. It was pretty cool to be able to address a room full of people that are probably a lot smarter than I will ever be.

Thanks for that oppurtunity, Patrick.

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In case anyone is confused, I'm the short round guy on the left. :)

Btw...You're both wearing NAME BADGES in the photo...ROFL :lol: :lol: Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

I've seen places that have done a bad job moderating, and they didn't last very long.

BBM...for example?! :roll:


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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It's a little rough (and a bit hard to hear), but you can watch the keynote here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/10675060

That was a very informative session and I enjoyed it myself!! Thanks for the link Patrick!

Do you have any video when Brian helped you out? :::I'm crossing my fingers:::


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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In case anyone is confused, I'm the short round guy on the left. :)

Btw...You're both wearing NAME BADGES in the photo...ROFL :lol: :lol: Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

I've seen places that have done a bad job moderating, and they didn't last very long.

BBM...for example?! :roll:


Yeah, I know, I noticed the name tags, too. I forgot we had them on. But, it helps eliminate confusion here, eh? :)

And yep again, BBM would be one I was thinking of.

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