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Buying Belt Before Promotion?

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Seems presumptuous to me. I would not do it nor encourage my students to do such a thing. How can they learn patience and humility if they fill their cups before the ceremony?

I have to agree with you, part of being a martial artist for me is being humble. Buying your belt before your test just assumes too much and if I figured out a student did that I don't think that I would pass them.

I agree with you both, its not something i would contemplate.

Its not just about incuring the wrath of the Karate Gods (!), as another poster says, but there are too many variables with it, and with life in general also.

Accidents, illnesses, long-term unemployment etcetc.

These things and more may neccessitate taking a break, or long breaks, away from Training, some things may neccessitate having to give it all up for good!

I'm not saying don't, just saying its not something i would do.

But whatever floats yer boat, floats yer boat!!

''Board's..........don't hit back'' The late and very great Bruce Lee, in the movie Enter The Dragon.

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I think that would be a very personal choice--I have a friend I used to train with (she still trains back in Illinois) who is a very talented seamstress and is making herself a gear bag and wanted to use a black belt for the handle, but couldn't bring herself to buy a belt she doesn't have the right to wear and then cut it up. I told her I thought it a bit silly and she just said "Yeah, but you know me" :P.

A few years ago I dressed up as a ninja for a halloween party. I wanted a black belt for the costume but didn't feel right in buying a real one to wear (before I had actually earned a BB). I decided to get a white belt and paint it black. There was no way in hell I was going to paint my own original white belt, so I told my instructor what I was doing and he gladly gave me a spare (we have boxes of unused white belts).

I don't really see a problem in buying a black belt early but just don't ever have it displayed in a way that could mislead others into thinking you have earned it yet.

I know that all of our belts are ordered before our gradings. They are awarded to us on the day. We don't buy them as they are supplied as part of our grading fee. From Black belt onwards they have our names and the name of our school stitched into them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am sure that some people would consider it presumptuous (for them). And then I am sure that some would consider it motivational (for them). I would say that neither person is wrong. It's really about what you're comfortable with and what makes you happy.

If you were to buy it and wear it around without earning the right to wear it... yeah, that'd be improper. But, that is what you are testing for, in the future. You are not testing for the right to buy a black belt. You are testing for the right to wear a black belt for your chosen style.

You might want to ask your instructor what he or she thinks, though, to make sure it won't cause any clashes. :)

Just my thoughts, as a non-martial artist. :)



For a non-martial artist, you have a profound insight a lot of martial artists I know could learn from :)

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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  • 2 months later...
I've seen a lot of posts on the internet lately (not necessarily on this forum) where people talk about buying their black belt a few years before they actually get it and keeping it where they can see it (in a training room in their house, for instance) as motivation. What do you guys think of this practice? I'm not even considering buying myself a black belt because I'm a little too far off for that, plus I think our instructor buys us our first black belt as a gift, but I am considering buying myself a brown belt, which is my next belt. I want to get a good quality one since I'll likely be a brown belt for several, or maybe more than several, years, so I was thinking of buying a nice quality eosin belt to display in my practice room in my house as motivation but I'm not sure how proper it is to buy a belt before you earn it. I wouldn't be wearing it around or anything (although I have to admit, I'll probably try it on in front of a mirror just to see how it looks. Even more motivation, right? :wink: ), but I'm not sure if some people would consider that presumptuous or anything.


Do whatever motivates you! this is definitely as good idea as your brown belt grading/promotion should be recognizably more difficult that your previous kyu gradings/promotions. good luck

OSS! Shimizu Yuuhiro Shodan Shukokai Karate-Do

Yoon Kwan Ilgop Kup ITF Tae Kwon-Do

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  • 1 month later...

I have never bought a belt before I have graded for it. In my current Dojo, the cost of the grading includes the belt so if you pass, the chief instructor presents you with it.

I must confess, I DID buy a very cheap black belt recently in order to model and sell a gi on ebay (I think they look better with a black belt). I have since thrown the black belt away as it has served its purpose and is not MY black bet or even the black belt I would choose to wear.

When I finally get my BB I want to order a special one because its the only one I will ever own.

I've heard some clubs issue their own belts between white and black, which you have to return when you progress. basically, your White and your Black are the only belts you own. Not sure what I think about that!?!

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I never buy belts before testing. My instructor and the other students are what keeps me motivated. The white belts in my dojo look up to the higher ranks, as if they want to achieve the next belt. I, myself, being a yellow belt also look up to the instructor, but mostly other students.

Tang Soo Do - Red Belt (2nd GUP)

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  • 2 months later...

Just an update-- I did buy the belt knowing I'd eventually get it anyway. Only problem is, when I bought it I was gaining a lot of weight, so I bought it a size bigger than I needed and then I went and lost 80 pounds, so now it goes down past my knees, so once I actually do get promoted I'm going to have to buy a new belt anyway... So yeah-- not the best idea.

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