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What is the reason why you joined the Martial Arts?

What was the reason you signed up to take martial arts?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. What was the reason you signed up to take martial arts?

    • Self Defense
    • Get in shape/stay in shape
    • Something new or fun to try out
    • Disicpline
    • other (Please state what it was)

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Orginally it was self defense and I still enjoy self defense but over time that didn't become my only reason. Other reasons I enjoy it is the mental training it gives me, the confidence, staying in shape, and just that is fun to me, and the sense of accomplishment I get from it. Like working on a technique or a series of techniques for awhile and finally getting them to work on your partner especially if your partner is actively resisting you so you know technique is working. Also the friendships with other students and also with the instructor is awesome as well. I also love the sense of self realization or finding out more about your self and your capabilities is amazing as well.

I just find my orginal reason goes on the back burner for me. As I am older I really don't get into fights or look for them, and I don't really hang out in places where I have a higher % of getting attacked. Don't get me wrong I enjoy doing the self defense techniques but it is no longer my main reason why I still train.

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hmm....choose other now. My friends consider me the yoda of our style cause I come up with anology's to training (plus being disabled, i can only do so much now ).

but where to begin. Somewhere around here I did a story but its fun talking bout it. I was 8 when I was first introduced to the MA by tv. it was @ 1978 and use to be a program called black belt theatre. I would watch the show, which was also my introduction to kung fu flicks, and at the end or during it there would be 2 black belts doing some form of demo defense. I would practice this usually with my sister (who didnt like it ).

So, bout a little later tried TKD for a short time but hated it. didnt like the teacher and he was brutal on kids by forcing them into splits. So I kept trying to practice everything i was taught.

At this time, I had my very own bully. I laugh at it now but back then I learned fear. Would always try to take alternate routes and what not to avoid him. I think what it was that got my mom's attention was she went out and followed me one day cause I was always late coming home. when she noticed what was going on she never really asked me but for my 14th bday she asked if I wanted to take classes again.

One i wasnt a athlete growing up, tried baseball but stunk at it, couldnt make the football league, didnt have the cordination for soccer. Mainly I fenced or did nerd stuff even though i look like your typical nerd. I was a big boy, and most thought i did play sports. alot of times i spent either fencing or in the library reading books.

so, after finding my new school which i didnt know about existing in town i started going there. Oh yeah I use to have a severe temper which i think was the other reason my mom wanted me to find something. so for me it was self confidence, my mom was for discipline.

after a couple years, I wasnt afraid of the bully anymore but he still wanted to fight me and I never did. when I left for the army and did my stint in there and came home he thought he start all over on me. I basically stood my ground told him to grow up and walked away with him screaming some form of jibberish.

but, the tide kinda turned. this guy opened up a so called MMA gym even though it was his version and he tried to challenge anyone in the local or adjoining area that he could win. My teacher warned me against him which I didnt adhere too. I was told I would be excepted in again when I grew up more or less. so after a while of finding myself and having a long talk with my sensei I came back.

I then moved to another state hoping to open my own school which I found is harder then I thought. I've had students but most want that instant black belt or MMA type training which I was more traditional. So I went into reclusion. studied by myself. occasstionally i would teach my daughter a more or two but continued to study and train the definition of isshinryu.

Now that I'm somewhat disabled and moving back home I feel I have come full circle with my training and ready to give my knowlegde to help my kyoshi at what i can.

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How I got into the Martial Arts is on and off again story. I was introduced to Tai Chi after a severe back injury while diving at age 12. Basically tore the lower back muscles. I was told it would it help develop the back muscle and increase mobility. It worked like a charm but I didn’t stick with it after finding a local Kung Fu school which seemed to suit a young adolescent just a bit better. Bruce Lee was very popular back then. I taught swimming at the local YMCA so I could join the Judo program for free and did that for a while as well. Once I was of age I did my part in the Military for a few years got out and moved to a different city. It was a few years before I found something I liked and ended up joining a local Kung Fu club. Did that for about 5-6 years and had a falling out with the people running the clubs. Basic McDojo kind of stuff.

15 years later I was looking for something to get my daughter involved in and a local karate flyer came to the door. Signed her up. She hated the first class and I was told she never wanted to go back. But karate is all she talked about all week. She had told me that I should join to since I had shown her all the certs and belts from when I was younger. I was coaching the son’s hockey team and she felt it was fair that if I was participating in his sport I should do the same for her. After 15 years I was now a Karate student. The first class just about killed me. I didn’t move the next day at all. But I was bitten by the bug again.

Now the whole family is in Karate and we all love it. It has been become the family sport of choice. I have achieved my blue belt with a little work as my body remembered Kung Fu and it took a while to weed out the bad muscle memory and replace it with new stuff. We shall say it is a work in progress. My daughter has her Green belt and the wife and son just got their Yellow.

One of the best choices I ever made and I have many thanks for my daughter. Now I help teach the kids classes 3 times a week. Always liked teaching kids and our Karate club has become extended family to all of us. There are no words to describe what karate has done for my family. I know that Bob listed some items about what Martial Arts can do in his “What should you be advertising” thread but there are a few items that can’t be explained. When you join a good club you become a part of a family.

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Self-defense was the driving force for me, and it still is today. I always think about self-defense tactics a lot, and love to practice it that way. Discipline wasn't so much an issue; I got plenty of that from my parents. I also thought it would be fun to do, too, and I was not wrong on that count. :)

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It was self-defense for me. I started when I was 7 years old because my lunch money was being stolen from me everyday at school by some older boys at school. I was raiding the frig after school and when my mom found out what was going on, she enrolled me in a local Karate school asap!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I met someone who did Kyokushin, and being an aggressive playful sort, I challenged him to spar. And it woke something up inside of me. I just followed my gut and my heart. I came to it because it felt right!


"If you can fatally judo-chop a bull, you can sit however you want." -MasterPain, on why Mas Oyama had Kyokushin karateka sit in seiza with their clenched fists on their thighs.

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When I was young I wanted to do it because I thought it might be fun but my parents couldn't afford it. When I was a bit older (12 years old) my mom signed me up. She told me that she had, and I was like "what?", then she said "remember how you always wanted to do it." And I remembered how I had wanted to try it so I joined up and loved it.

Initially I didn't care about self defense, or staying in shape, or discipline, or anything like that. I just thought it was great fun, and I still think it is great fun. That's what has kept me going all these years.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

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I put "other". I was 7 when my mom put me on the waiting list to get into the class (8 when I actually got in) and I was absolutely convinced that if I learned karate Zordon would pick me to be the next Power Ranger (the orange ranger).

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