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combat moves

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k i just want to know the meaning of some moves.




-finger jab


-jao sau


-shovel hook


-half knukle


-knife hand(when and wher eon the body to use it)


-hammer fist


-palm strike


-overhand left


cork-screw hook


-hook kick


-inverted hook


-intercepting kick


-oblique kick

Patrick gubek

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Don't know about most of them, but from my own art:


-finger jab


Jab with fingers straight towards soft targets, eyes or throat, advanced technique since a lot of speed and accuracy is required to make it work.


-knife hand


Hitting with the outside edge of the hand with the fingers slightly curled, main target is the neck but can be used across the bicep if powerful enough for a dead arm


As for the others I have an idea, but I'm not certain enough to say.


Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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I am not 100% sure but I think a hammer fist is a tetsui(sp?) it is a close handed strike which is performed by striking down from above a target. You are striking with the bottem of your hand down on parts like the shoulder neck and head although I may have my techniques mixed up :)

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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ok ill see if i can explain a few but some im not 100% sure about and i dont want to get mixed up and come of sounding like a fool.


Knife hand - id asum would be to strike with the pinkey edge of your hand but that term is quite broad and could also mean striking with the other side (thumb tucked in) or finger tips


hammer fist- is were you strike with the bottom of your fist (ie if you were to shut your hand its the pinkey or knife edge of your hand is) usually used on a downward motion but can be used to the side.


palm strike- is a normal punch only it with an open hand and you hit with the base of the palm.


over hand left- i THINK is were you bring your hand up higher than oponents guard and punch down towards thier face.


Hook kick - is like doing a side kick(lets just say right leg) a bit to the left of the tartget then just before you get full extension of the leg you pull back your heel toward the knee hitting the target with the back of your heel(thats probably not the best explaination)


intercepting kick - i thinks thats were you do like a small low powerd kick and stop your oppenet from kicking i think that your suposed to sort of kick thier leg as they chamber it or just start their kick.


um the quick advance id say would probably be just rushing in on your openent and crowding his guard


some of them could be a bit wrong and im not to sure on the others.

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  • 1 month later...

Do some research to get a better understanding of these movements.


I'll take the obscure Jao Sao.


Jao Sao means 'Running Hand' It is a Wing Chun movement that works as follows:


If you try to control the line and the opponent is much stronger that you - you may not be able to 'hold that line.' In this case you must 'run away' from this force and return to the line. The Jao is the running away from the force and is normally followed by a Jip Sao or 'Returning hand.' So in application: You try to control the line - his force pushes you off - your hand runs - (circles) around letting his force go and then retakes the line.



Moy Yat Ving Tsun

Rest in peace: Moy Yat Sifu

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Knife hand - id asum would be to strike with the pinkey edge of your hand but that term is quite broad and could also mean striking with the other side (thumb tucked in) or finger tips


In my style, striking with the pinky edge is knife hand and striking with the thumb side is called a ridge hand. I don't know if it's called that in other systems too.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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  • 2 weeks later...

straightlead: A jab with your lead hand (the one closer to your opponent in an ortidox stance)


finger jab: poking something with your finger.


jao sau: Running hand palm smash, hooking palm smash


shovel hook: A low-line hook against the body (You'll see boxers do this to one another's midsections).


half knukle: I only know this as a "brass knuckle" shape


knife hand: Your hand flat, fingers together and reasonably straight; a hit with the outside (near pinky) edge of the palm of your hand.


(when and wher eon the body to use it): Varies by art; my favoirtes would be the head and neck.


hammer fist: Just like a knife hand, but with the hand held in a fist.


palm strike: A hit with the palm of your hand. Typically a thrust (as opposed to a swing with the palm, which is a slap).


overhand left: An overhand punch (such as a cross) with your left hand?


cork-hook No idea, other than the metal insturment used to extract corks from bottles.


hook kick: A kick with the heel of your foot, powered by the closing of your leg at the knee. If you imagine a snap kick reversed, you have the idea.


inverted hook: Not sure


intercepting kick: A stop-hit performed with the foot.


oblique kick Again unsure.

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Ask your instructor for the meanings. Each style has a different name for each movement, what one style considers a certain type of kick, another has a completely different terminology.


For example:


intercepting kick: A stop-hit performed with the foot.


In another style the intercepting kick is a kick thrown faster than the opponents attack to intercept his movements and hit first.


As I said: ask your instructor. It all depends on what you're studying...

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