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I dont know what I should do here... help!

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Well, for a couple of years now i've wanted to take up some type of martial arts... Mainly KickBoxing, but I want to learn mor on how to do self defense... Something that will teach me how to defend myself from regular Joe's from school that want to start something... Not only that, but something thats fun to do... Im 15 years old and a begginer at anything that has to do with fighting. Im def. not a weakling, but when I do join something, will I get use to getting hit? What do you recomend for me? Thanks for the help... [/u][/b]
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Being a weakling has really nothing to do with self defence, just because someone is big does does not mean that they could fight there way out of a wet paper bag.


Try and read some of the other posts as this is a common question. But in terms of self defence it really depends on what you are looking for?

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You will do fine. Pain will always hurt but they are some tricks to taking shots that you will learn and help with it. Good luck.....

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Well with the usual low level of "school violence" probably any martial art would give you something of an edge. We're not talking the UFC here.


Read up a bit about the different arts and styles and what they involve. There is a lot of information on these forums. Also look around at plenty of schools - don't be too impatient to sign up. Even within something like "karate" you will find many different styles, and each class will have a different feel and emphasis. Don't judge an art based on one teacher, as you might go down the road and find the same art taught in a completely different manner.


Also every school will say "beginners welcome" or something in their advertising. Some really mean it, and will take time to introduce you slowly and properly to the art. Others don't give a rat's, and will throw you in the deep end and leave you to drown.

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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If you want self defense you might try and find a place that has freestyle kickboxing, where the focus is not on sport, but self defense.

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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ONLY for self-defense and fun, right? Well, if you plan to actually use your techniques on other highschoolers muay thai (Thai kickboxing) might be a little severe.


Do you really want "self-defense", I mean, do you really need it? Or are you just interested in knowing how to fight?


For me it was pretty much the latter. That, and working to perfect techniques by practicing hard gives me a lot of self-satisfaction.




Better for self-defense: Ju jutsu, brazilian ju jutsu, judo, aikido, a self-defense course


Better for pure fighting/kicking butt: muay thai, ninjutsu, krav maga


Good for both self-defense and also kicking butt if necessary: karate, kung-fu, tang soo doo, ju jutsu, freestyle kickboxing


Useless for real fighting: taichi, american boxing, tae kwan do, aerobic kickboxing (these are for fun, sports and fitness, mostly)


Don't take that TOO seriously, it's just a general guide and some people would disagree with some of it (like the tae kwan do part.)


But I really do think it'll help you out.


FIRST find out everything available in your area. Don't just look in one place, really look around.


Once you know your options, decide what you're looking for, what type of art you'd like to take. Do a little research.


Then check out different schools, ask the teachers questions to see if they're for real.


Pick your school, start your training and work hard.


Remember, the effort to find a good school and a good teacher is worth it! If you train under a bad teacher you'll just be wasting your time, energy and money.


Good luck! And let us know if you begin training in something.


Shuriken: art of Japanese blade throwing

Shorin-ryu karate with influences from White Crane Kung Fu

15 years old

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:lol: Taichi is useless in real combat.


Ummm I assume you know very little about it then.


KBShibs is really depends on what you are looking for. Most MA's are good for self defence, and they are really good fun, thats if you get a good Sensei. Go to as many classes as you can, find out about the different styles, what they are good and bad at etc.... Make sure that you like the feel of the place.


As I do Aikido I can help you out on some of your points. Aikido, was created to take on both skilled and unskilled opponents, the techniques are soft, allowing you to say throw someone with out really hurting them, or take a knife away, move out the way of a kick etc. As the techniques were created to do the minimal amount of damage it is unlikely that you will get arrested for using them. However, if the person keeps coming at you, then the techniques evolve into something a little more......damaging.


We train with the sword, Staff and knife.


Hope this helps.

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I think american boxing is one of the most physically demanding fighting styles(pyscally not techanally). And by saying tai chi is not deadly. that art teaches you how to redirect your oppenents energy against them. takwondo how is that useless martial art since its originated from karate and china(mistaken on that probally).


Kb you just answered your post there in your first post you said you were interested in kickboxing. that be a good starting point. by you sort of knowing what you want to start with is a good start. that way you dont go into something your not really interested in.


I dont know about other people but when i first got hit i wasnt used to it. but the seconded time i spar it never bothered me and i really never got hurt from the match. you get used to it

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