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3rd kyu, don't know if I can protect myself.


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As I said I apoligize first if I seemed to harsh. I can understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I first started taking up MA.

My purpose was to learn how to defend myself, had the typical bully always harassing me. Mom even followed once to find out why I was always late alot of times. found that out much later. My dad was a lover not a fighter so wasnt going to learn from him (as much as I love my dad its the truth).

I think it was when I hit brown I was in high school. I would still get harassed from this guy and finally had a enough. my senior year in HS and was on the last rank of brown. I put my foot down, the dude followed me all through town also. I stopped right in front of my recruiter (was going into the army) and they watched to see what was going to happen. I pretty much told him to leave me alone and to get on with our lives.

He wanted me to him and I wouldnt. He would call me coward along with other words but I stood my ground. Even his friends (if you want to call them that ) that scared cause they knew I took karate also. and Me being calm, unmoving, trying like hard to show no emotion was making them a tad bit itchy that this might be a bad idea.

After about 20mins one of the police officers I knew was walking a beat and asked me if I was alright said yup, Hank was just leaving right?. Well Hank looked at him realized I wasnt worth it at that time and drove away.

Was told I wouldve been beaten to a pulp but after the cop talk to the recruiters, he realized hank might actually have a contest against me. He even told my sensei who congratulated me on not using voilence to end a situation.

I've been in numerious confrontations but have always been able to use words as my weapon. It might work sometimes and there might be that one time it wont but I know instinct will take over.

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There is no absolute answer to your question. It will be highly dependent on the situation at hand, and the numerous factors involved. That being said, if you are not confident in your abilities, the simple answer will be no. Your fear ill hold you back.

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As I said I apoligize first if I seemed to harsh. I can understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I first started taking up MA.

My purpose was to learn how to defend myself, had the typical bully always harassing me. Mom even followed once to find out why I was always late alot of times. found that out much later. My dad was a lover not a fighter so wasnt going to learn from him (as much as I love my dad its the truth).

I think it was when I hit brown I was in high school. I would still get harassed from this guy and finally had a enough. my senior year in HS and was on the last rank of brown. I put my foot down, the dude followed me all through town also. I stopped right in front of my recruiter (was going into the army) and they watched to see what was going to happen. I pretty much told him to leave me alone and to get on with our lives.

He wanted me to him and I wouldnt. He would call me coward along with other words but I stood my ground. Even his friends (if you want to call them that ) that scared cause they knew I took karate also. and Me being calm, unmoving, trying like hard to show no emotion was making them a tad bit itchy that this might be a bad idea.

After about 20mins one of the police officers I knew was walking a beat and asked me if I was alright said yup, Hank was just leaving right?. Well Hank looked at him realized I wasnt worth it at that time and drove away.

Was told I wouldve been beaten to a pulp but after the cop talk to the recruiters, he realized hank might actually have a contest against me. He even told my sensei who congratulated me on not using voilence to end a situation.

I've been in numerious confrontations but have always been able to use words as my weapon. It might work sometimes and there might be that one time it wont but I know instinct will take over.

You're right, words are always better weapons. And I feel relieved that once you felt like I feel now:) Fortunately, I have no bully problem.

There is no absolute answer to your question. It will be highly dependent on the situation at hand, and the numerous factors involved. That being said, if you are not confident in your abilities, the simple answer will be no. Your fear ill hold you back.

Thanks for the comment, IronArahat. You're right, I do not feel very confident now. Maybe one more year, then I'll be able to answer this question myself.

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Do you know how to establish a defensive perimeter by a "fence"? If not, check into it.

Could you tell me where exactly I found find more information on this?

You might find this YouTube video useful, Adamo:

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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Joesteph, great vid! I diffused situations using the fence technique and I’ve talked others into leaving another alone when I recognized that the person they were dealing with was posturing.

Stepping back to set your feet into the ready position while positioning yourself off center from the potential attacker and extending your arms and open hands sends a message. But its not an aggressive message where the potential attacker thinks they need to respond to maintain their “manhood”. Its a message that says the time for trash talking is over and you’re ready to take it to the next level if provoked. The thing is… you have to ready to take it to the next level. I’m 6’4” so someone has to step toward me to cross the fence and when I feel that person is my personal space I will defend myself, I will not wait to be hit first… thankfully a situation has never escalated beyond lip service.

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I really enjoyed watching part one and two. The only thing that threw me off was the number of friends this guy has that have been stabbed while grappling. Seems well rounded.

I did a double take when he said that too :D

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I thought it was just a shot at grappling and then I saw all the grappling in part two (the advertisement). The one thing I really liked that he said was take them off the planet. Of course I realize it's a bit extreme, but in a Dragonball Z sort of way it's poetic. My first intro to the fence. Some what like the prayer stance in bjj. or basically any ready stance that is assumingly none threatening.

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I think people are missing the most obvious answer, and that is you will never know until it happens. There are so many variables when it come to self defence that it's impossible to give you the answer your looking for. For example you could be in a bar when an altercation happens and be able to defend yourself perfectly fine. Or one day you could be walking down the street when someone puches you in the back of the head and you wake up in the hospital not knowing what happened. Enjoy your training pepare yourself as best you can and pray the day never comes where you have to defend yourself.

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