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Judo or fencing? Or dancing?


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Hi, I'm 3 kyu in Shotokan karate and these days, I'm thinking about starting another activity that will also help karate. Which one do you think is more relevant to karate? Judo or fencing? Or should I start dancing(to be gentler :), because I can sometimes hurt people accidentally). I mostly think about judo or fencing. Or shouldn't I start and instead try to be better in karate? I'll be happy if you could share your opinions. Thanks in advance.

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There was a time when my easy answer would have been to go for the Judo because it will help you the most in a sd conflict in conjunction with your karate.

But, I've gotten older and wiser and would say what you really need to ask yourself first is why you're doing ma's in the first place. If it's sd, then sure, take up the Judo. It will be a great compliment.

However, if your goal is understanding combat and less about actually doing it, then maybe fencing will give you a perspective that broadens things up for you.

Lastly, if it's only a fitness thing for you, then dance would probably serve just as well and give you some cross over conditioning.

Here's the thing though, if you're in this for the haul, there has to be some fun to it as well. If you need a break or something different to say enthused, then look harder at the fencing or dance. Don't be afraid to experiment.

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I did fencing in grade and high school and loved it for its diversity in combat. it can teach you how to approach a target and look for openings. Along with there are 3 types of swords in fencing. I wish I could find a school here in the part of KY I live in but no go.

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Thanks for the advices!

I thought fencing could help me step forth and back easier and it is somewhat faster than karate, which can improve my reflexes. And judo is similar to karate in some ways, it is more different than it is similar. We also study some grappling techniques, but not in detail.

Fitness is not a big concern to me, since I run besides karate workout, so I gave up on dancing:).

Actually, my main aim by choosing another activity is to be better in karate. I can't decide which one to choose, fencing or judo, to achieve my purpose.

Thanks again!

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Bing less old and wise than Tallgeese, I say Judo, because it would work best in conjunction with Karate in a self-defense situation.

That being said, to be better at Karate, do more Karate. One of my instructors said when he was younger, he came home from his martial arts class and threw 1000 kicks every night. He's 50 years old and can still kick me in the head almost at will.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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I think Judo would complement your Karate more than the others. Dancing would teach some different coordination and footwork skills. Fencing would be fun, but not as practical as Judo, in my opinion.

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Bing less old and wise than Tallgeese, I say Judo, because it would work best in conjunction with Karate in a self-defense situation.

That being said, to be better at Karate, do more Karate. One of my instructors said when he was younger, he came home from his martial arts class and threw 1000 kicks every night. He's 50 years old and can still kick me in the head almost at will.

Then is it better I do not start a new one? My instructors once studied in different martial arts and in this forum,too, there are so many people studying various kinds of MA. I just thought that it would be useful.

I think Judo would complement your Karate more than the others. Dancing would teach some different coordination and footwork skills. Fencing would be fun, but not as practical as Judo, in my opinion.

Thanks for the advice, bushido_man. You said fencing is not as practical as Judo. Is it because fencing requires equipment? Or because I cannot use it in real life? I'll be happy if you inform me more about it.

What about Kendo? Instead of fencing.

I have never thought of it. Actually, its equipment is too expensive for me, I'm just a student:). Do you think it might help karate?

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If your goal is to compliment your karate and fill some gaps in areas where your style doesn't emphasize, then really, either Judo or Fencing could accomplish those goals. They would both compliment your karate in different way, but they could both make you a more well-rounded martial artists in their own rights.

However, if your goal is purely to improve your karate, as you had mentioned, then to get better at karate, do more karate. Just keep practicing what you're being taught, internalize the material so that it becomes instinctual, and commit to general exercises to improve overall fitness levels as well as specific exercises targeted towards the needs of a martial artist.

While studying another style can do wonders in making you a better overall martial artist, studying another style isn't going be as effective in improving your karate as just putting more effort into your karate would be.

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