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Your first grading!

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I'd tell you about my first belt test...if I could remember back that far! Without going out to the garage and finding just the right box where my certificate is, I'm not quite sure when it was. Probably around March or April...1975.

All I can remember is...I passed!

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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I don't really remember the tests in TKD from when I was very small. The first rank I remember really testing for was my Green Sash in Chuan Fa. I had trained hard and was in really good condition. There were no pre-testing jitters and I did really well during the test. It lasted for about 5 hours and was very intense.

The problem was after the test. I didn't sleep well all night. I kept waking up to dreams of people attacking me. My muscles kept firing like crazy. It was absolutely nuts.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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First of all, please allow me to congratulate you, no matter how premature, so...CONGRATS!!

My very first grading almost became my last grading. Why? I literally wet myself!! Just as soon as my Dai-Soke barked at me...I wet myself. Wet gi pants and all, I ran home, totally embarrassed. I was only 7 years old. Even now, I'm embarrassed in sharing my first grading because it wasn't my most proudest moment.

How did I feel? I wasn't scared at all, no, I was totally and utterlly PETRIFIED!!

How did it go? It didn't...well...I did...all over the front of my gi pants.

Did it turn out the way you expected it to? Ahhhh...no...it didn't. It's bad enough to have had a public wetting display, but it's even worse because just as soon as I had wet myself, I didn't even complete the grading, no, I ran home immediately, and I didn't even bow out. I didn't have to I guess because I left a trail behind me.

Ok...now I've got to put a bag over my head!! Total shame!!



I guess in this case, your sig says it all... "The proof is on the floor"


Oh yeah, I puddled all of my proof in one sopt on the floor as it followed me right out the front door, and that's for sure....LOL!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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my first grading was 13th december 2009,had my mock exam 2 weeks before and got the pass slip which alone was a relief(atleast i knew i was on the right track)turned up on the sunday not knowing what to expect and most students were very quiet nerves kicking in i expect anyway lessons started in grading order 10thkyu at the front with dan grades at the back,did my basic moves kion kata and set 1 after 10 mins it was done i was asked to stay on the floor while all the other white belts left the floor,i hadnt a clue what i had done anyway i carried on with set 1, shodan kata etc after that i was asked to leave grading carried on until all students had completed and at the end i was awarded my 8th kyu which i had double graded which doesnt happen often so i was told ,my next grading is in mid december for my 4th kyu(purple white stripe) :karate:

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Nice work! :D

I talked to my Shihan today... he said I did well with my kata, and that usually people do worse at grading, not better, because they get really nervous, but I was the other way around.

I said, "But I was shaking like crazy out there!"

"I know, I saw, but you didn't let it interfere with your kata."


I still don't know if I passed, haha! But I think that's a good sign, eh?


"If you can fatally judo-chop a bull, you can sit however you want." -MasterPain, on why Mas Oyama had Kyokushin karateka sit in seiza with their clenched fists on their thighs.

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Its been quite some time. But, I get nervous at all of my testings, and the first was the same. I don't recall any major foul ups, but I do recall the nervousness.

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My yellow belt test was approximately 3 years ago. I'd stayed in white belt longer than all those who started at the same time because of a two month long absence ( it wasn't my choice). I was very excited and just as nervous. I remember forgetting the first kiai in Heian Shodan and being unable to keep my balance in one of the mawate. Nevertheless, I passed. It was a memorable day. I had a very special feeling. I was quite certain that nothing but my black belt would make me that happy again.

The greatest fight is the fight with oneself

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My first grading seems like ages ago, I took in march 2002. The actually grading process started two weeks before the actually grading. In my shotokan association we have to attend a pregrading lesson for two hours a couple of weeks before the grading day. So I attend the pregrading lesson and then turned up two weeks later for the actually grading day. My association always has a lesson in the morning before the grading starts in the afternoon. So I did the lesson than had a half an hour break before the gradding started white belts always go first. Depending on the number of people grading to how many groups they spilt each grade into. First up kihon followed by kata than kumite. Once done the group gets called up each person gets called up recive a certificate and belt no further comment unless you failed something and up given tempoaray grade. But I pass my white belt and got my orange, three months later passed for my red belt. I only had one temporary grade when I failed part of my 1st kyu grading and had to regrade 3 months later. Hopefully i will pass my 1st Dan grading on my third attempt on 19th december, Just got bassai dai and any heian katas the examier wants to pass.

Currently 1st Kyu

Had two failed attempt at 1st dan

Third attempt sunday 19th december

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It was not that bad. I did strain a hamstring muscle though. Thats all i can remember.

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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Can't really remember much about mine. I do remember my instructor's wife talking to me before and saying that I was actually double grading along with the adult beginners rather than single grading with the kids! Was frantically learning all the extra theory for it at the back of the room and then he never even asked me any of it.. :dodgy:

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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