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It's rude to .......

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Hiya all. I have a question ... or more like a stament. Tell me what ya think of this.


I was asking for help on sparrring. I asked a higher rank. My instructor heard me, and he said that I'm not allowed to ask a senior to spar. What?!?!?!?!?! It's not like I was "challaging" him to a sparring match. I just wanted help/advice on how to improve on sparring. He didn't even have to "gear" up if he didn't want to.


In my old school, we were encouraged to ask for help from seniors. He (my TSD instructor) WANTED us to learn anyway possible. If it was from a senior rank, so be it. That's what they were there for (besides training), to help fellow students. As long as you used proper etiquette (ma'am, sir, please, thank you, ect), most of the seniors didn't mind at all helping out.



Laurie F

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Well I don't see the problem with asking for some help although it depends on the situation. I believe it is fine if the class is currently sparing (not doing katas or something else) and if the higher rank is there to asist (not on his way out or is just supervising) and lastly if there is an odd number of students(I don't think it is fair that another student should have to sit out because you would rather spar with the senior then him) If all of these conditions are met I would not be offended if you asked for help.


just my opinion...



Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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Maybe your new instructor misunderstood you when you asked for help to the other high rank. He may have thought that you meant that you wanted to spar with him. That could have been the case, im not sure. Anyway, you should have a little talk with your new instructor on this issue.



"Which one is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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It seems in my previous post that I may have misunderstood you aswell...I got the understanding that by help you meant you wanted it him spar with you therefore "helping" you first hand I donot see anything rude or wrong with simple asking for advice.



Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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Are you only allowed to spar with people of the same rank in your school ?


Maybe you're not allowed to spar without the instructor's permission ? When I did kickboxing, we were told by the instrcutor. We could never just gear up before class and spar or anything.



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Hey Laurie,


Funny thing when I read your post......I took it as asking for advice, and not a challenge to fight the senior student. I see no problem with asking for advice on any aspect of your training, so long as it is appropriate, and I can see that you do that anyway. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding or a mis communication on the part of the student/instructor.


At any rate, I believe by mere discussion this issue can be put to rest so long as everyone is willing to have a 2 way conversation. Just my thoughts on the matter. Take care :smile:


Mind of Mencia

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The martial arts are plagued with ego problems (and traditions borne from them). I say anything that facilitates genuine learning is good. Anything that stifles it is bad. So... screw ego :).

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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Taditionally lower ranks do not ask higher ranks to spar. Kind of a disrespect thing. However with that said higher ranks should not pick on people to spar with either but thats differant. Anyhow. Asking for help is much differant that to make a challenge. I don't see that you did anything wrong but you got to respect you sensei.


Note some teachers don't want other people teaching their kids. I mean do it my way or don't do it. I don't know your teacher but some people are really closed minded. So make the best of it.

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