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what would you do?

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what would you do if their was a paticular martial art you wanted to learn but no schools around that taught it? I've wanted to learn another style (not anyone in paticular) but all the schools around here only teach tae kwon do. :bawling:
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Well I would move...but if that is not an option I would most likely buy alot of videos and books and learn whatever I could although it will not be the same as attending a class....or perhaps you could hop on a bus or something if there is a dojo reasonalbly far away...the only other thing I can think that would most likely not work is if you get enough people together I would get in contact with a big organization of the style of your choose and notify them that there is a mass of people interested in training in that style...you never know they might just open up a dojo there....




Goju ryu karate-do


Okinawan Kobudo


Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


[ This Message was edited by: LeaF on 2002-08-02 16:56 ]

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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are you sure there are only taekwondo schools nearby? coz a lot of good schools don't advertise. go here: http://search.worldpages.com/bin/cgidir.dll?FUNC=DSTSRCH&MEM=288


remember, under the category section, DO NOT type in the style you are looking for, but just type it "self defense" or "martial arts"


hope u find whatever you're looking for.

It is only with the heart that one can see clearly, for the most essential things are invisible to the eye.

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try one of the following search engines specfically budo seek, dojos many dojos use them...and if that fails try the yellow pages or your local commerical phone book, maybe their new and don't have a web site yet?


anyways the web browsers are








good luck!!



Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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Get some books, video tapes or Cd's about the art you want to learn.


Make contact by internet with instructors or practitioners so you can ask for advices.


Then whenever you have chance. Go to seminars held by masters of the particular styles you want to learn and have them to correct your moves or plan a trip to the nearest School and join them for a week or so take the info and work by yourself.


I advice to focus only on the basic moves, make no sense trying to learn the advanced ones under that conditions. :smile:

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Of course it could be good to join to a school.


Most Martial arts share the same basics, just try to get related arts.


example, if you want to learn Muay thai and theres no school around, then try boxing or kickboxing, not the same, but close enough


want to learn kUng fu. No school, well, take taekwondo. Kung fu , taekwondo, karate, they all share similar basics.


Want Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, no school, take Judo or wrestling instead.


You may do that, until you have access to a school of the style you want to learn.


Hope this helps.

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Learn the most about TKD that you can. When the time comes to move, go off to school, etc. you will have options. With that said don't be affraid to buy books and tapes to look into arts but don't think just because you read a book you can learn a art. Reading this site helps a lot as well.



(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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