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Hard Feelings

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I recently had to come to a decision about quitting my dojo. I had been feeling something was not right for a while now. But when I discussed some of it with the sensei I just got strange looks from him. One of it was about my son moving to adult class. He was a youth brown belt on the verge of testing for his black belt and he wanted to be tested for a adult color and they were going to test him for yellow and he had also had to give a 100% in adult class and was not aloud to take youth class. We had to take a week or so off due to family stuff. When we came back they had a belt testing and they had tested some kids that were youth orange belts for adult orange belts. My son was upset because they had just went around him. His 5 years meant nonething! He was getting discouraged about karate as it was thats why he wanted to move to adult class because he was so much bigger than the kids in the the kids class. And when he would go to hard he would get yelled at, when he would go to light( it would look like was not trying) he would get yelled at. Then I ran in to a friend today and heard that our Sensei made a announcement a couple of months back to the whole class, that if My Husband and I (who are black belts) showed up that know one is to listen to us if we helped out. Like if someone was doing a wrong move in a kata, they are not to listen to us. What? You mean people are to disrespect us? This was very up setting to me. Our 5 years we hardly ever missed class and this spring I had surgery and missed and then my back went out over the summer and I had to miss and we need to take time for our family. My husband was working alot over time. Not once did they call and asked where we were. My question is would you treat your senior students this way?

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Wow no offense but your former sensei sounds like a jerk. I would have left if I'd been treated like that. Sounds a bit petty as well with the telling everyone not to listen to you.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Thank you! I did not think it was right to treat us that way. No matter if we were missing class or not. As I sit back and my husband and I talk it out. We are becoming more at peace with our decision. Its just sad. We were really faithful and always there for them, for them to do what they have done to us.

I really wish I would of listen to my intuition when we first started there. But my husband really like the training and I stuck it out. He never got treated how my son and I were treated. Until the last past year when he defended me over something they told me and they did not stick to their word until he confronted them over it and they did not even then.

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cejames, thats what we tried to do.

We broke off all ties. There was hard feelings on our side but I wanted to leave there with nonething said. This past week I started getting txt messages FB messages and even phone calls. The funny thing is they have not even tried to get in contact with my husband just me. I do not like that and neither does my husband.

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I pretty much agree with everyone else. Let me rephrase, I wholeheartedly agree with them. Finding someplace else to train would be at the top of my priority list.

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That's weard, so it was only because you were missing the classes a lot? :o

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” -Anthony Robbins

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I wouldn't treat ANY of my students that way EVER!!

Without any hesitation on your part at all...LEAVE that so-called school ASAP.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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