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20,000 Posts at KarateForums.com


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Hey all,

Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com.

This post is the 20,000th post that I've made here. This is pretty remarkable to me, that I would not only be a part of a community long enough to reach 20,000 posts, but also that I would manage one long enough to do so. I'm getting old. :)

In May of next year, we'll celebrate 10 years of KarateForums.com (if you have any ideas for how we should do that, please shoot them my way :)), and it is amazing how much time has passed, how many special memories have been made in this time, how many friendships have been made and how much has been accomplished, not just here, but elsewhere, in my life and in yours (however long you've been here). :)

And though we may not have many members from the first year or two still around, which is natural for an online community that has been around this long, we certainly have a good mix of people who have been around the block with us, right alongside those that are brand new.

Regardless of which camp you fall into, I'd like to thank you for allowing me to reach 20,000 posts. It's a testament to the community, it's longevity and the number of solid contributions here that I was able to make it to that number. Post count, in and of itself, is not the most important thing. But, to reach a number like this, it takes more than just me, it takes a community.

Thank you.



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There's only one word that comes to my mind...AWESOME!! Business 101 would call this...Established Goodwill!!

Thanks for all you do to make this community the success that it is because without your positive managing skills and the like, this milestone wouldn't have been possible.

Congrats Patrick!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Think something like this speaks for its self to show that this is an awesome community :D

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I don't find this hard to believe. My understanding is that you take ownership of things and work with the people involed to make karateforms what it is today. Congrats on creating a truely awesome community.


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Congrats, Patrick. :karate: You're dedication is what has made this community the great one that it is. Black Belt Magazine couldn't even put up a forum to rival this one. And it is because you have strived to do it right. Well done, Patrick! :)

And I am still trying to catch you. Those damned 14 weeks at academy really set me back! :lol:

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Black Belt Magazine's on-line forum didn't even try across the board, and now, Black Belt Magazine's on-line forum is no more. Shows that running a magazine as successful as Black Belt Magazine is, it doesn't guarantee success when it comes to on-line!

Again, congrats Patrick...you're solid!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Thank you indeed Patrick for your generosity and effort in making this community not just possible but a reality, and crucially - it's not a word used much these days - a wholesome one at that. It's always a relief to find the time to get back here.

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