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What's your favorite kumite techniques?


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Likeke, Thanks for asking, but I prefer privacy. My Kartate, and I are old school, "Japanese" Karate in the manner that it was originally envisioned by the early idealist:-)

Btw: The way I learned to strike Jodan accurately with absolute control, is to practice it very slowly. In other words, no matter how your partner moves, when striking Jodan, do it as though you are in slow motion. You won't win any points, but your eye will get better, and your accuracy will increase. When practicing defense, I always try to step into shikaku. To the side by nagashi, or inside my partners distance by irimi. You will get hit after often, but IMO the best way to learn. Every master admonishes their student to "invest in loss". And yes, to me, nagashi and irimi are both preceded by distance feinting. Irimi is difficult to learn. I am still working on it.

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thanks for sharing!

i tend to be drawn to techniques that are all about timing. funny story, over 10yrs ago i competed in a local tournament and i beat a couple of guys my age from a different dojo and the very next day, they came to our dojo w/their sensei.

what had happened was, the sensei seen my patch and apparently, he was originally from our dojo way before i was even born lol. so he came to visit w/his students and we got to spar. again, i was pretty much toying w/his students, (who were new brown belts and i've been shodan already for a while). finally, i sparred w/the sensei and i thought, "i'm going to run through this old chubby man," boy was i wrong hahaha...

he wiped me out completely and made me look stupid. he'd counter me and just kick me in the butt and then laugh. i got so frustrated and couldn't figure out how he was catching me. he told me, (and a higher ranking sempai from my dojo told me as well), that i telegraphed certain movements and he watched me fight and pretty much had my timing down.

back then i relied on pure speed but after that day, i became drawn to techniques/counters that required a lot of timing... well, that's my long story lol

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Yes, we all have those moments. After a long absence, I returned to practice, and my Sempai (who was never absent) did the same to me. It was a long time before I regained enough form to fight him even. Still, there were things I marveled at, even after his physical body began to deteriorate. I still recall the first time we did ipon kumite in my second life in Karate. He moved as though in slow motion, no effort, perfect timing and distance. Sigh.....Can't see myself, but I hope that I match that level of skill today.

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What's my favorite kumite techniques? Well, I use to have favorites many, many years ago, but, I no longer have favorites. Why? Imho, words like "Best" and "Favorite" tend to limit me as a martial artist. In that, there's more to me as a martial artist than just a few chosen techniques.

I've no favorite technique(s)!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any kumite that involves stepping off the line and forcing an opening. I love retreating hand motions as blocks. We do several that we use to increase our speed and reaction time.


Attacker attacks low with a lunge punch.

Defender steps back, using the retreating hand to "meet" the punch, in effect, rolling over their punch to back-fist the face.

I dunno. It's hard to explain kumite for me in a post :)

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In dojo kumite i'll usually use odd footwork from training other styles here and there, it really throws off alot of karateka as they dont expect it.

In terms of techniques i like to do a little variation on the roundhouse in that ill use the ball of my foot and pop it into my opponants inner thigh, its not stretched out like a kick to the head but the legs bent and its fired in punching range kind of like a jab with the leg, generally used whenever they start to move in on me.

As for other favourites i tend to favour a mawashi geri - yoko geri - mawashi geri fast combination as its quite disorientating blocking side - centre - side in quick succession.


I heared about "Ashi Baray Ura Mawashi-Geri" technic,it so awesome

anybody know this compound technic

and if you know it please give me more information about everything that help to do it good

I'd assume you would just follow the path of the ashi barai, chamber the leg and deliver the ura mawashi geri from there, but if the AB did its job then you wouldnt hit someone with the ura mawashi anyway.

I'm sure you'd find some vids on youtube.

"Get beyond violence, yet learn to understand its ways"

"Seek peace in every moment, yet be prepared to defend your very being"

"Does the river dwell on how long it will take to become the ocean..." - Sensei Bruce Payne


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