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Grade for 1st Dan But Failed

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Last weekend I attend my association annual camp, where I grade for 1st Dan, I didn't pass, I failed on my kihon and kata but passed my kumite. It was disspointing but I learned from it. I put alot of pressure on myself because I really wanted to pass, which in turn made me more nervous, so I didn't perform as well as I could. I could have regrade at the end of the camp but pick up an injury during last training session so was unable to grade again. My next shot at 1st Dan is on 17th october, so not that far away. Am aim to practise as much as can and also next time not worry about result. If I pass great if not I'll just try again, as I want to get the best out of myself during the grading so that am more likely to pass. It will come I know that I been training almost 9 years, when it happens doesn't matter to me.

Currently 1st Kyu

Had two failed attempt at 1st dan

Third attempt sunday 19th december

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Sorry to hear you didn't quite make it but at least you know what you have to do next time. And you have a great attitude about it :) When you do get it you'll know you really deserve it; you'll be a better blackbelt for it :up:

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Sorry to hear that. Chin up and all! What tasks you will only make you stronger in the long run. Hang in there, and come October...you'll be a brand new Shodan!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Yea it happens, I failed plenty of things in the past, i always managed to pass them in the end. I failed my 1st kyu on my first attempt, had to do four katas again. I got two months to practise my kihon and katas so that am ready for my regrading in much. Hopefully when the day comes i'll show them that got what it's takes to pass and gain my shodan.

Currently 1st Kyu

Had two failed attempt at 1st dan

Third attempt sunday 19th december

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