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Like I said before I love Uechi ryu, though I am biased since that’s what I study. I am not sure what you expect to get from a forum, the only way to find out what you like is to visit a dojo. But if you’re looking for background info on the fighting philosophies to help narrow down what dojos to visit, then I can give you my take on Uechi but don’t take my word for it do some research. Uechi ryu was brought from China to Okinawa by Kanbun Uechi. He learned three kata and eventually 5 other kata were added through the years as bridging kata for a total of only 8 kata in the system. The system favors open handed techniques, bushiken, shoken, shuto, nukitie, including a lot of grabbing to control your opponent. There are benefits and disadvantages to open handed techniques, one benefit a smaller person can focus a lot of power into a very concentrated area, think of a knife instead of a hammer both hurt one has more penetration. The down side if you don’t take the time to condition the hands then the technique becomes pointless. Kicks traditionally are waste high focusing on knees, groin and the femoral artery. The traditional striking surface in Uechi ryu is not the ball of the foot but rater the big toe, again for more penetration. It is a circular blocking system so by adding in the grab we are so fond of it lends it’s self for takedowns. It’s not a fancy art if you look at one of the katas on youtube I would be surprised if at any point you said to your self “what would the application of that move be?” It’s pretty much bash him in the face with an elbow kick him in the groin and shove your fingers in his eyes, not necessarily in that order.

I hope this helps, and remember this is my take on the style based on the dojos I have worked out in. Do your research and visit dojos.

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Thanks for the reply, Nopar. :) No problem. What arts are available to you where you live?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've studied alot of different arts, and agree that you should look at what is close to you, and decide what one you like the best. All martial arts have advantages, and can be used for selfdefence, but only if you enjoy them enough to stick to it. Size only matters if you let it, one of my private students was a 5 ft 110 pound girl, and i had her slipping a grab from behind, and hip tossing a 5'10" 225 pound guy to the ground, so she could get distance and escape. It wasn't because of me, it was because she wanted it that bad. So if you want it bad enough, you can make any art work, nomatter what size you are. Good luck and let us know what the decide to study.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think no matter what age or size i would go to a good ground school and a good stand up school, and then put them together and there are schools now that have both, man if i was in my 20's again, wow what a chance to get in shape meet new people and learn cool stuff.

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