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Starting Karate tomorrow


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Hey all.

I'm going to my first karate class tomorrow. I'm very excited. The school was recommended to me by a close friend and, seeing as how hes been going to that particular school for the past three years, I trust his judgement. It's also a free lesson so I don't lose anything out of it except time.

But anyways, I need something to hold me over until tomorrow. Can anybody recommend any good reading on karate that is available via the internet? I want to learn as much as possible.

Thanks in advance.

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Welcome. If you're looking for books, you can use google, although, if you offer up the type of Karate you're going to be studying, someone here might be a bit more helpful than Google. Google gets you results, but a person who has read the books can probably give you better results haha.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Hello again everyone.

My first karate lesson, frankly, sucked. The black belt who was teaching me the stances and techniques, although obviously very talented, did not seem to be interested at all in helping me learn and merely stood there while I tried my best to learn basic punches and kicks.

However, I decided that since a second and third free class was offered, that I should try it again.

I went to my second class and this time I had a much better experience. Obviously, the reasons for my bad experience the first class was because of the lack of attendance and the disinterest of the black belt which I put off as an isolated incident. This time, one of the black belts there helped me and was very helpful. I felt like I was indeed getting something out of my experience there.

So all in all, I have decided that I will try this dojo for a month since I can pay month by month anyways, and if after awhile I decide I don't like it, I'll simply leave. No harm done.

And btw, the style is Chinese Goju, which is developed by this guy named Ron Van Cleef. I read a thread on this forum that was archived and the people on it didn't seem to have very good things to say about that particular style but I still feel it's worth trying out.

I'm very excited to be finally taking a martial art.

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It's hard to judge a school based off of just one or two classes. There are good black belts and bad black belts in any school. The more you learn, the easier it will be to acclimate yourself to the school and the classes. As long as nothing too crazy is happening, like a full year contract that you have no ability to get out of, give it a shot.

As far as Chinese Goju-ryu is concerned, I haven't seen much of it. It's a bit curious though, because Goju-ryu is Okinawan (it's also recognized by the Japanese Karate Federation), and it's well-known that they use Chinese principles in their practice already, so I wouldn't really say Ron Van Cleef created anything unique. At least, it's not a unique enough combination to warrant the creation of a "new style." That might be where any animosity is coming from. Don't let that scare you off though. A good teacher is a good teacher no matter the style. And if you've found one, then learn from him.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Hello again everyone.

So far, so good.

I'm really getting into it. I practice my strikes and kicks and even the one kata they showed me everyday since I started. It's a lot of fun, and who knows maybe I'll even lose my gut.

I especially can't wait to start sparring. I'm hoping one day I can take what I've learn into amateur matches after cross training in jujitsu maybe.

The biggest issues I seem to be having as far as my techniques go was initially my stance which, although I had it fine at first, my feet would grow further and further lined up instead of spaced out as they should be. However, with practice I'm getting better with it.

Flexibility is a big issue for me. I'm a heavy set guy and the kicks don't come easy. But I'm sure when I lose weight, things will work itself out.

Anyways, thanks for the helpful advice everyone and I will keep you posted on how my journey into martial arts is going.

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Welcome to the world of Karate :) I am glad that you decided to start pursuing this art. Don't worry too much about how the senseis and ur sempais treat you, martial art will grow on you!

I remember my first few classes... what a nightmare indeed. The higher level belts didn't pay attention to me and the only time my sensei would talk to me was to say "Ugh... no good. No good..." with a disappointed look. My mindset was that martial art takes a long time to get anywhere and that the harsher my sensei is to me, the greater the reward when one day I will please him :)

So don't give up!!! :D You can totally do it

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