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Help with defense?

Cable Dog

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Hello. I need help with using defense.

I've trained under Hayashi-ha Shito-ryu and Shudokan. However, when sparring I find that I use almost zero blocks. I would like to improve my blocking. I know several blocks including Gedan-barai, Age-uke, Soto-uke, Uchi-uke, and Shuto-uke, however I seem to never use anything except the occasionaly Soto-uke to open up room for a strike.

I tend to stay in cat or snake stance, and I fight a low-medium hit game. Help?

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In our style, we don't use those same blocks at kumite as we practice in kihon.

We're not allowed to do, for example, gedan barai in kumite, because when you take your hand down, it's not possible to take it back fast enough after the block, and also, because you tend to put your head down a little at the same time, and that's not wise.

Altought, there is some blocks that are quite similar (same blocks, just made practical for kumite) to kihon blocks, and practicing kihon is practicing the blocks for kumite too.

If I didn't answer your question (or didn't get it)....If you are supposed to you those blocks and you know them why not just practice them, do some easy sparring?

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I know exactly what you mean. A lot of people get into a habit of only attacking with no defense during kumite, even very advanced ranks.

Do keep in mind, however, that a good defense and a block from basics are not necessarily the same thing. Avoiding an attack with good distance and timing often negates the need for a block with the arm. Still, it is good to use blocks to set up for an attack as you pointed out.

To train this, sometimes I like to do a ten-minute drill in which I have a friend of mine (with good control) attack me using any techniques, to which I am only allowed to avoid or block. Then I repeat the drill but with defense and counter attack.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying the is the way you should train or anything, I just find that the best way to work on defense is... well... to focus on training defense. :wink:

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@Shizentai: I almost only evade for "blocks". My stances (cat and snake) allow for quick movement and easy dodging, however the controlled kumite with a partner may help. Thank you for that.

@Soheir: Where might I learn the "kumite" blocks as opposed to kihon?

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