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Do you openly discuss your training with people?

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Is training something you discuss with others (non-martial artist) in casual conversation?

Lets say you hurt your leg sparring and your limping the next day at work - do you tell people what happened or do you tell a white lie? I hate to say it but I tell a white lie just so I don't have to explain. It is easier to say I hurt myself running because there are no more questions.

I only discuss training with the people I train with and my wife and I don't know if I have a reason why other than I don't want to advertise / explain why I train. Don't get me wrong, if someone expresses an interest first i will discuss, otherwise its something I keep to myself.

How about you?

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I talk about it with close friends and family members, and should it come up in a conversation with acquaintances I'll discuss it enthusiastically, but I don't go out of my way to mention it.

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I talk about my Taekwondo training openly. How can anything be such a big part of one's life and yet be that which they are ashamed to display openly?

Having said that, most people don't ask, so I don't go out of my way to tell them about that which they could never understand.

Edited by Martialart
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I don’t normally discuss my training with any but family and close friends. I had a few friends join up but only one stayed with it. If I’m sore the next day it is easily explained by simply saying it was a tough work out last night. Since I run and work out as part of my routine no one has every questioned it. We have a MMA guy who works in the same building and our conversations have mostly been about work out routines that we follow. Never about our martial art training.

Martialart said “How can anything be such a big part of one's life and yet be that which they are ashamed to display openly?” I wish I could answer this. I don’t think the reasons are the same for each individual. I see my wife go to church every Sunday and yet never discuss religion openly among friends. Perhaps for most, it is some private conviction that we train for ourselves and not for the glory or entrainment of others. It is about self accomplishment.

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As a female, bruises always get looks but never had a comment in public yet. Usually, it's only family that comments, and one can tell that even an explanation ('You know I do karate...it's from wrist grabs...')...you can tell my sisters only half-believe it.

As for casual conversation, no. I don't bring it up, and don't foster conversations that don't seem to have any real interest. It's a waste of time.

Leaves fall.

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I openly discuss it if it comes up. If someone asks how I work out or something then I have no problem talking about it. I don't bring it up on my own though, because a lot of people I know would take me being a black belt as a challenge and try to mess with me. I know that's immature of them but facts of life, a lot of people are immature. I openly talk about it with family and friends though. Our instructors love when family and friends come to testing and tournaments to cheer us on. I'm 26 and he still asks if my mother, wife and sisters are going to come to championships when I compete.

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."

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I openly discuss it if it comes up. If someone asks how I work out or something then I have no problem talking about it. I don't bring it up on my own though, because a lot of people I know would take me being a black belt as a challenge and try to mess with me. I know that's immature of them but facts of life, a lot of people are immature. I openly talk about it with family and friends though. Our instructors love when family and friends come to testing and tournaments to cheer us on. I'm 26 and he still asks if my mother, wife and sisters are going to come to championships when I compete.

A testosterone situation is what made me ask the question.

My wife and I frequent a Mexican bar - restaurant that has fantastic food and great specials. This is one of the few places I go where I see 20 somethings. Well, i meet my wife & her friend at this place one night after class. Apparently my wife was telling her friend about me taking karate and when I arrived this friend was asking me a lot of questions - I love to talk about it when asked. At one point I look over her friend's shoulder and I notice a table of 3 younger guys eying me up. It became clear to me that these guys were listening to our conversation. As time went on I noticed they they were openly staring our way... at me. :o

I change the subject to get the ladies to talk about something else. I reposition myself by showing the ladies some pictures on my phone. With my new position i can see them in a reflection but they can't see my face. I figured I'd position myself where one of them would have to approach me to get (what he perceived) as my attention or they would just stare at the back of my head until it got old... I guess it got old and they left.

My wife and her friend had not noticed what was going on. When i got home i asked my wife not to mention my training in an environment like that because i don't know who listening... she looked at me and said, "who are you, Batman" :lol: After i explained she understood.

I wasn't sure if others had enacted similar polices about advertising their training.

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Is training something you discuss with others (non-martial artist) in casual conversation?

No, I don't!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I don't mind talking about it and haven't had a problem. A dude that is that intent in starting a fight will probibly find a reason to one way or another. Besides, how else are you going to talk new people into joining :) .

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