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My First Tournament This Saturday!!!


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Okay, so this saturday in Chatsworth, Georgia there is a tournament. I've been training for 4 Months. So i'm hoping i'm ready...no...i know i am ready. I'm gonne be in the (Kata, Kumite, & Team Kumite) Can any of you guys give me some tips on the kumite like i've been thinking...

Say as if he throws a Right Punch and i do an Inside block and knock him off guard and then i quick slip to the side of him and punch hhim in the side. and if he goes for a roundhouse kick im gonna come in with a round house kick of me own except mine is going to his knee that he's coming at me with. or i could kick him in the lower part of the leg or something. any of you guys have any tips or advice????

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If you want my opinion don't try anything fancy. Just run him over with Gyaku's and Kizami's. If you start thinking, If he does this then I'm going to do that, then you've already been punched in the face, and you lost the point.

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I wouldn't be trying any of the "if he does I'll do that" just yet. Its hard to pick up on what people are going to do when you've had limited experience. You could end up waiting for that one shot while the other guy is collecting his own points. First tournament so just keep a tight guard use a handful of techniques, like roundhouse and punches and you should do fine. Stay relaxed and enjoy it more than anything.

and good luck! :up:

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I think the best thing you could do is focus on what you feel comfortable with doing...the things you have spent the most time on, and have made work for you. Then, adjust your game as you go along.

Best of luck to you! :karate:

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Do not plan on anything, just react. If he does this then I do that is the surest and fastest way to loose. Also do not plan you're attacks either. Just react if there is an opportunity to attack then attack. If there is an opportunity to counter than counter. Just go with it and roll with the punches so to speak.

The main thing to do is to relax.

Good Luck :karate:

You do not need to be flexible to do a Jodan (head kick), if your opponent is already on the ground.

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Well it went great!!! except the judges were unfair cheated me and jon out of 1st and 2nd place for kata!!! Sifu Nick said that both our katas were so close to being perfect that we should have been 1st and 2nd place. And the funny thing is that they didnt give any trophies for kata to any1 lower than yellow belt and sifu was looking very carefully at everyones kata and he said that they didnt even deseverve 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th.

But sean michael did his kata in his division and his was just as good as ours and he got 1st place in his division for yellow belt kata

then there was weapons kata and jon used nun chucks and got 4th in his division then sean michael got 4th in HIS division.

But when it came to the kumite oooooooh=) i lost my first match but when jon went in there he frickin MURDERED EVERY1 THAT WENT IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!!! AND HE GOT FIRST PLACE IN KUMITE!. Then it was time for my last match the guy kicked me in the face so that was the end of that round. then idk how it happened but i ended up winning 4th place by one or two points and then mikey was in the same division as jon and me and he got third...then sean got 3rd for kumite in his division. and austin got a plaque for finalist and his division

Then as far as team kumite goes me jon and austin had to go against all black belts and the final score was 15-5 (we lost ofcourse cause of the judges) but anyways we should've gotten more points than 5 cause i went up against a second degree black belt and i got 5 kicks on him and 1 punch and they only counted the punch and even though ALL MY KICKS WERE ABOVE THE BELT. that should have stopped five rounds cause you have to do six rounds and punches is 1 point and kicks are 2 points. but anyways we brought 7 trophies back total and 1 plaque and that was our first tournament so i guess it was pretty good

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the post by "austinG010" it should've ais my name...i thought i was signed in but it was austin.....sooooo yeah i just realized that and quickly signed into my profile lol

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