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Pick You A Weapon...Any Weapon!


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Please check out the list of martial arts weapons found in this link...


From the list above, I've some questions:[pick ONLY ONE per question please]

In your opinion...

A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?

B) Which weapon would do the less damage to an opponent?

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?

F) Which weapon do you like the most?

G) Which weapon do you like the least?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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This is really difficult as there are so many variables, different scenarios favour different weapons but assuming an unarmoured opponent with no firearms and not having to think about post-croakage concealment etc. then...

A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?

The poison darts from a blowgun tend to make people very dead very quickly given the right poison.

B) Which weapon would do the less damage to an opponent?

I have sparred with wooden swords a lot, bokken for Iaido tachi and wasters for western swordsmanship drills. They tend to hurt but not do any lasting damage past the odd cracked finger.

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?

Crossbow, the original point and shoot, made so that any dimwit peasant could be turned into something approximating an archer.

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?

Probably something that takes a degree of coordination and rhythm like the chain whip. With weapons like that you spend a lot of time training just to be able to be marginally more lethal to your opponent than yourself.

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?

Sticks are good, I could use a lot of Jodo techniques with things that are just lying around my study.

F) Which weapon do you like the most?

Being an Iaidoka Iam tempted to say Katana but for sheer enjoyment of messing around twiddling, twirling, poking and pounding I would have to say that the Sai are my weapon of choice. I even have a pair of plastic ones to play with at the office.

G) Which weapon do you like the least?

I don't like anything that is over-elaborate so probably something like the Wind and Fire Wheels. I could probably hack myself to death before harming my opponent with those things.

You realise that posting a list like this on a martial arts forum is like taking a wine list to an AA meeting... :D

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  • 1 month later...

I'm bored right now, so why not.

A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?[/b]

I'd have to say the kanabo, or iron staff. It's heavy, made of steel, studded, and is designed for crushing people. I'd say that it's bound to leave a mark.

B) Which weapon would do the less damage to an opponent?[/b]

Since the lariat doesn't really hurt you unless it yanks you down hard or off a horse, I'd say the lariat.

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?[/b]

Probably the push dagger, since it's basically a blade you punch with.

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?[/b]

Any of the soft weapons.

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?[/b]

The kubotan probably, since it's just a stick really.

F) Which weapon do you like the most?[/b]

Of ones I have experience in, tonfa. Of ones I would love to train with, the tomahawk.

G) Which weapon do you like the least?[/b]

You won't catch me ever using one of those fans.

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A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?

The Balisong, it creates confusion and that's all you need to go in for the kill

B) Which weapon would do the less damage to an opponent?

Shuriken, you're not always going to get the hit

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?

Bo Staff

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?

Chain Whip

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?


F) Which weapon do you like the most?

I haven't trained with it yet, but the Sai

G) Which weapon do you like the least?


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  • 4 weeks later...
A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?

I'll take Claymore here. At a certain point on the list, we're just making the rubble bounce, as it were; we don't have to hack through thick steel plate anymore as a rule.

B) Which weapon would do the less damage to an opponent?

A foil. It's a symbol of a sword more than it is the sword itself.

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?

Blowgun. It's a ranged weapon with no particularly unusual rotational components and no particular defensive properties. Much like a handgun, the main body of learning would be in learning the stance and basic technique for it and then spending a bit of time on the target range.

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?

Bullwhip; it has a number of interesting properties to it that would need to be coordinated in.

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?

A yawara. For the most part it's just a short rod that you hold in your hand.

F) Which weapon do you like the most?

Of those listed?

I like the sling. It's very portable, ranged, and hits hard. My preferences for close in aren't in there really.

G) Which weapon do you like the least?

Katara, but only by a tiny amount. Anything bulky, obviously a weapon, and lacking non-combat utility displeases me.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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It is interesting to see other peoples choices. Good Topic.

A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?

Any type of two handed sword. Katana or any other.

B) Which weapon would do the less damage to an opponent?

Shuriken does not really penetrate deeply or always get through.

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?

Knife. Not much too using one IMO.

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?

3 section staff

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?

Stick of staff.

F) Which weapon do you like the most?

Sai would be right up there on the list. Versatility.

G) Which weapon do you like the least?


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  • 2 months later...

A) Which weapon would do the most damage to an opponent?

Probably the machete. Does a fine job of cutting down small trees, so I imagine it would do quite the job on flesh and bone.

B) Which weapon would do the least damage to an opponent?

Have to go with the whip. I just don't see the immediate lethality with it. Noticed alot said shuriken, but landed in the right place (neck / throat area) could in theory drop someone within seconds from loss of blood pressure to the brain.

C) Which weapon would be the easiest to learn?

The Karambit. Having used one myself I can say they are quite easy to learn and have a very natural feel to them. That and the ring at the base almost guarantees a weapon you cannot drop or have knocked away. Essentially a child could use it effectively.

D) Which weapon would be the hardest to learn?

Hardest to learn and use WITH EFFECT would be the chakram. Just thinking about using one makes me uncomfortable.....Nothing like twirling a ring-o-razor around with a finger to make you think "what if".

E) Which weapon could be made the fastest with what's lying around on the ground?

Staff duh.

F) Which weapon do you like the most?

The Kanabo! 50+lbs. of spikey mass destruction!

G) Which weapon do you like the least?

Fan, 'nough said.

“In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit.” - Miyamoto Musashi

Why is the sky blue? Because God loves the infantry! Why does God love the infantry? Because we get to Heaven first!

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