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testing for my new belt

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Well I'm testing for my next belt in Wado, my blue to be exact. I am super excited but I have some questions. 1st if you have any pointers to be successful on my test let me know. Also, it got me thinking about black belt testing. I was wondering; what kinda things did you do during your black belt testing that I should start getting ready mentally and physically for? Thanks for the comments everyone.

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Good luck! Continue to train hard, and the black belt test will be a breeze. Everything you do right now is preparation for shodan. At my school we had to be able to run 5miles, spar 10 rounds and perform kata (not on the same day). But we were conditioned for all this during our training. I have not tested for black belt but have witnessed and sparred with folks during black belt testing.

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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In my group, blue belt is 5th Kyu and therefore only about half way through the Kyu rankings.

Of course it is always good to look forward to future gradings, but be careful not to lose sight of the one immediately in front of you.

As for what you have cover between 5th kyu and 1st Dan -well it’s a fair amount really. It’s probably the steepest learning curve you will encounter in your karate career – in terms of what you have to take on board.

In addition to all of the pinan Kata, you will need to have learnt Kushanku, Naihanchi, Seishan and Chinto. – When I say learn I mean have a good basic grasp.

As well as the Solo Kata you will also have to start to get into the senior pair work most important of which is Yakusoku Kihon Kumite – Wado wouldn’t be Wado without them of course.

The journey in front of you will be fun – but as I say, you have a lot to cover. I always say to my students – there is no rush to Dan grade. It’s better to take your time (particularly as you have so much to cover), get your foundations right to start with and this will stand you in good stead and allow you learn so much more (and there is so much more to learn) at 1st Dan and beyond.

The study of karate is a lifetimes pursuit imo and eventually you will get to a point where you won’t be able to take any more Dan gradings (or if you can they will be years apart). So enjoy your learning first and foremost – gradings are just a bye product.

All the best though


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As far as specifics on the material you need to know, if you have any questions, I would bring up any questions with your instructor. They know what they're looking for and have seen you in class, so they'll know what areas you may need to improve upon and can give you appropriate guidance.

Some general advice though about the test and after as you continue to progress, just make sure you know what you're supposed to know. Practice hard, learn everything you can, start looking to perfect your techniques, and start thinking of new ways to apply the technique. You've learned a lot of the individual puzzle pieces at this point, and you can start putting the pieces together to make a more cohesive whole. Pay careful attention to your basics. Make sure your techniques look clean. As someone going for blue belt, there's going to be less room for error than in the past. The instructor(s) won't be as likely to let the same things slide that they may have when you were a white belt.

As for looking to the black belt test, I'd say put your major focus on the next belt. Continue to train towards that as a long term goal, but do it by training for that next step, and when you reach that, train for the next step. Keep doing that and when that next step is indeed the black belt test, you'll be ready for it.

For my black belt test, I had to go through all the katas from white belt all the way to black belt. Perform a kata of my own creation. Demonstrate all techniques from white to black belt, along with combinations of multiple techniques as requested by the testing board. Go through an "anything goes" self defense section, where the members of the testing board would grab me with various chokes, locks, etc. and I had to escape the hold and return it with a takedown. Next was a series of board breaks, and ended by 10 fights. All in the same day. However, different school's tests will be different, so each person here will likely have a different story of what they had to do on the "big" day. If you're curious, my best suggestion would be to ask your instructor if you can sit in and watch the next black belt exam at your school so that you can see what will be expected of you at that time.

Best of luck on the upcoming test! Give it your all, and I'm sure you'll do fine.

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Good luck Pajarito21 :up:

Good advice from everyone so far.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I'm sure you'll be fine.I was worried about my yellow belt grading,but when I read in the manual what it involved it sounds really easy.As for getting ready for your black belt grading,its probably a few belts higher so I wouldn't worry to much about it yet.Have a look @ your manual (if you have one)and have a look at what the black belt grading invloves.That way you can focus on what you need to be practising.You'll be fine!

Good luck!

Owner of 3 dogs,2 mice,and 2 rabbits.Soon to be owner of chickens

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who cares about black belt gradings =]

I dont even think about it.....I'm just loving the training I'm doing RIGHT NOW as a yellow belt.

Its just me.....I really dont think about reaching any long term goals until I am almost there. I was the same way towards my university degree tbh.

and after one month as a yellow belt I can honestly say its easier than white belt (where I came in and didnt know anything and was like a fish out of the water lol) With yellow belt its easier I found because I've learned to move and turn and block and do some kicks.

My sandan friend calls me Kekomi Girl because of my love for the yoko geri kekomi hehe

Good luck on that blue belt grading you have coming up :) I bet you'll pass! :D

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

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  • 2 months later...

Good luck guys. The best advice I can give you is keep and open mind and train hard. There's not a lot we could tell you about testing, or how to prepare, because everyone's journey is different, as is everyone's relationship with their instructor. No two tests are the same, even in the same school during the same belt test, for two people who started at the same time. Don't worry about rank, your instructor will worry for you, and let you know when you're ready.

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- Tao Te Ching

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- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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