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Because of Money?.......


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Because of the rich oil companies and the greed of the world money has made a lot of stuff not evolve that would definatly help us.


Such as engines that run off of other things other than gas. The internal compustion engine is outdate by at least 20 years. It is still here because the issue of all the people who would lose MONEY.


Batteries. There are batteries that run 3 times longer than the ones we have now. Why are they not on the market? Because the companies want there money by selling more of them rather than better quality.


Light Bulbs. There are light bulbs that last about 7 times longer than the ones we have now. You guessed it MONEY is the reason you dont see them.


So tell me more things you know of that money is the cause of.....


I think that greed overcomes a lot of people. I am happy just having my bills paid (have large bills for the greedy people.) My main concerns are my family and the kind of person I am. I have a lot of people who look down on me because I am not rich. I live in a low income housing place. Im not embarassed about it. It does not bother me. I have my kids and my martial arts and Im content with that. Why all the greed that is going to endup killing us all in the end.



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Hmm..half the human population starving is one :sad:


anyhoo..even if there was no money, people would still be greedy, and would find ways to rise above other people to feed their ego.



Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!!

*Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still*

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Riiiiiiiigght. With what, precisely, do you propose to replace the internal combustion engine? Keep in mind that you can buy an engine to run on propane, kerosene, wood, coal, solar power, or hydrogen fuel cells now. People don't buy them, not because they're not on the market, but because you'd be a fool to pay ten times as much for a hundredth the capability.


Where are these batteries that run three times longer than what we have now, and how on Earth is it possible that "money" made them "not evolve?" (Eloquent choice of terms by the way.) "Money" and "greed" would dictate the opposite. If they're so much longer-lasting at an affordable price, then whoever brought them to market could corner the battery market and get filthy dirty stinking rich.


What light bulbs last 7 times longer than compact fluorescent? LED's? If they're not on the market, how did you find out they exist?


Contentment is nice, but without the drive to improve one's lot and do better, you wouldn't have all the stuff you're so content with. I imagine you probably have indoor plumbing, television, a telephone. . . . maybe an automobile. You seem to have a computer with net access. How big of you to be content with so little while everyone else is greedy. :wink:


I don't exactly live in a castle, but I'm rather proud of the fact that I don't wear poverty as a badge of honor. Anyone who thinks there is more innate virtue in poverty than wealth needs an adjustment.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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I don't think there is any other fuel that produces the energy (in BTUs) like gasoline. Ethanol doesn't. Propane doesn't.


Batteries are worthless in colder environments. Wouldn't be able to plow the snow outa my driveway with battery power. Too heavy anyway.

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There is feul that is better than gasoline. I talking alternative energies. Not fossil fuels


Also I dont wear poverty as a badge of honor. Im saying that I dont care how much a person is worth. Worth to me is my family friends and the person I am. Im saying that money runs to much in the world today. If you are getting so mad about it, it must run you also.


Did I say that I had nothing. No I said Im happy where I stand. I have always been greatful for what I have. I always know it could be worse and it could always be better.


I work for an ISP so I dont pay for my internet access. I have a computer because I can make payments on it and it helps a great deal with the area of work that Im in.


I get information from a lot of things. Why dont you do some research on it Don. Come out of the shell of money. Look at how much money oil companies make in a year and tell me that they dont drive the energy market. Look at how many batteries are sold a year and tell me why they would even think of using something different. Look at what they would lose.


I dont need an adjustment because I am happy with what I have. I could have less and I could have more. As for you making fun of how I put things it takes a real man to do that now doesnt it. I rarely even proof read anything I write if you must know. I would if it was important but I see no need in it now. So you can continue on your quest to get rich and I will continue on my quest to be a good person. If I get rich then I get rich if I dont I dont. Doesnt matter to me.



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If you want people to take you seriously, you have to do better than popping up to make outlandish claims and then demanding that those who question you do research on their own to find out how right you are.


Can you back up your claims or not? Yes or no? It is most emphatically NOT MY JOB to prove your wacky claims are true. You do that.


Re: The Battery Market


YOU are the one who claims that they have an infinitely better battery design all ready to go. You say the number of batteries sold per year now means they don't want to "lose that." :roll:


The point is that whichever company brought these Super-Radical-Uber-Batteries to market could put all the others out of business and own the market. If your silly planned obsolescence claims were true, there would be no rechargeable batteries on the market, since they reduce volume the same way you think better batteries would.


Re: Being happy with what you have.


I'm pretty happy where I am too. You're the one who made a big deal about how terrible it was that someone would want more than they have. That means you think there's some innate virtue in having less, and that's ridiculous.


The point was that all the things you have (and consider to be so very little) were invented and marketed by people who were unhappy with what they had and wanted something better. It's easy to preach about not wanting things when your idea of not having things allows you to keep your indoor plumbing, furniture, and computer (I don't care how you get access; you have it. If you pay your own way, the food in your belly was paid for by money from your employer too.)


Oil companies make a lot of money in a year because they are the ones selling something that people are willing to pay dearly to get. Simple as that. I don't doubt that there are oil companies who manipulate the market, but if your alternative energies could match fossil fuels in performance or price, they'd sell themselves in the current political climate (The Age of the Self-Satisfied Liberal.) Anyone who could bring them to market would be filthy rich. Any oil company that cared to market such a product could put most of the others out of business within three years and own the entire market, thus becoming (say it with me) "FILTHY STINKING RICH."


Your theories are downright silly, and the fact that you won't even try to provide any facts to make sense of them doesn't help. I'm not trying to be mean, but think about it! What would you say if someone came up to you and said "I'm the King of Siam, but I can't tell you any more about it. You'll have to look it up for yourself. In the meantime, bow!"


You'd call him nuts. You'd be right.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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Your putting words in my mouth


Stop getting so mad if you think you are right.


You can think what you like about me...I dont care.


I know what I know


I have researched things and why would you believe anything I have researched. When you arent even open to the possiblity that money runs more than you think. I dont see any need to prove anything to you.


Specially since you are getting so angry and you are putting me down. So say what you like but realize that you dont know everything.



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About half of the petrol stations that you see over here, ('least in the south I don't know about the rest of the country) sell autogas. Not a great revolution overnight perhaps, but its a start.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Well I think we all should be using smaller transport. Scooters, bikes, and much smaller cars, like 1,2 person vehicles half the width of a normal car. (Maybe 1/4 the width of a normal American car.)


Preferably with non-polluting, low noise engines.


But no, everyone wants to drive great tanks around...


If you study urban architecture, you will see that the car has changed the scale of the modern city (chewing up vast amounts of land), clogged the streets with noisy machines spewing poisonous gasses, driving off the pedestrians who used to walk there, and generally increased the time it takes to travel in urban areas, particularly during peak hour.


In short, cars don't actually work all that well, as far as improving quality of life for the average city dweller. Just most people havn't noticed yet.


They are only good once you get them out into the open country, with no traffic.

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