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I'll enter my first competition!


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There will be a regional championship kind of thing and I decided to join at the last minute.I won't enter for kumite for I have pes planus(flat feet).It really makes it impossible to 'dance'.The other choice is kata, as you know:) .But now I'll have to learn either one of Kanku Dai or Jion in about 10 days! :bawling: It'll be my first time and my aim is not to win but to experience the atmosphere,etc.Which kata do you think I should learn?Since I have limited time,could you please give me some advices about issues I should care?Thanks in advance :) (The competition will be held on April 1st-4th)

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Kanku Dai or Jion in 10 days? Wow! Then compete with having only practiced either for 10 days? Wow! My suggestion would be to practice either of them much, much longer before entering any said tournament with either of these kata's.

I'm not saying that you can't learn either of these katas in 10 days. But, I believe that when you're performing either of these katas; you'll appear to the judges that you just learnt either of these katas...in 10 days! Not saying that you won't do an awesome job and that the judges won't give you high marks, but,

Kanku Dai is a physically demanding and visually impressive form, when performed correctly, and it's one of the most popular katas in modern competition.

Jion has a grandeur to it that should show through with all the movements. Jion is a powerful but very basic and honest kata. Mistakes are very hard to hide in Jion due to its calm power and smooth transitions in the movements. A student must have good Kihon to make the kata run smoothly and with power.

Having said that, pick a kata that you already know inside and outside. Remember, judges aren't just looking to see if you know the kata, but, the judges are looking at, to name just a few, your focus, believibility, posture, technique, breathing, balance, understanding of said kata, and transition.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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This is my honest answer to your question do a kata you already know and one that you are confident in because then it will come out in you as you perform it especial since this is your first tournament. Honestly the last thing you should do is go to your first tournament doing a kata you just learned.

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To late to learn a new Kata. Just work on Bassai Dai

I know it is too late,but that is what my sensei said.When I said I wanted to join,he thought and said 'Hm,then you should learn one of these katas'.Maybe he'll change his mind.

Kanku Dai or Jion in 10 days? Wow! Then compete with having only practiced either for 10 days? Wow! My suggestion would be to practice either of them much, much longer before entering any said tournament with either of these kata's.

I'm not saying that you can't learn either of these katas in 10 days. But, I believe that when you're performing either of these katas; you'll appear to the judges that you just learnt either of these katas...in 10 days! Not saying that you won't do an awesome job and that the judges won't give you high marks, but,

Kanku Dai is a physically demanding and visually impressive form, when performed correctly, and it's one of the most popular katas in modern competition.

Jion has a grandeur to it that should show through with all the movements. Jion is a powerful but very basic and honest kata. Mistakes are very hard to hide in Jion due to its calm power and smooth transitions in the movements. A student must have good Kihon to make the kata run smoothly and with power.

Having said that, pick a kata that you already know inside and outside. Remember, judges aren't just looking to see if you know the kata, but, the judges are looking at, to name just a few, your focus, believibility, posture, technique, breathing, balance, understanding of said kata, and transition.

Thanks,sensei8,this was a very beautiful explanation.Sensei says my kihon is quite well,but I agree-in ten days,it is nearly impossible to learn these katas.In today's workout,I'll talk to him again-even maybe I won't join the tournament-maybe next year I can try.

This is my honest answer to your question do a kata you already know and one that you are confident in because then it will come out in you as you perform it especial since this is your first tournament. Honestly the last thing you should do is go to your first tournament doing a kata you just learned.
Are there any kata you already know? Is there a reason you need to do one of those two?

So far I've learnt five katas-four Heian and Ji'in which our senpai taught while working for himself.In a competition,performing a Heian kata would seem a little...I don't know,they are the basic ones,but as sensei8 said,the judges not only evaluate the kata but also other things like focus,posture,breathe,etc.In my last belt exam,sensei said nothing bad about my kata(H.Sandan).I'll learn it today if I can join with a Heian.

Thanks for your advices.If anything changes,I'll share.Maybe I can join for kumite and won't jump-it's a real disadvantage,but there're not so many things I can do.

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Yesterday I talked to sensei and he said either Kanku Dai or Jion is a compulsory kata for the first tour.That's the reason for him to say I should learn.And I decided to join-this time with absolute certainty.I'll learn Jion.

He also said I shouldn't perform the kata like doing it in our dojo,instead I should act a little bit like a show-off :lol: .This is what judges want.He sent me two videos to clear how I should perform.Here are the links:



Kanku Dai


In my dojo,there is a senpai who got a bronze medal when he was a green belt and after working two weeks for Jion!I mean,there is a slight chance for me,too,if I work on it well. :karate:

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Woah. So he not only wants you to learn a complete kata in 10 days, but he wants you good enough at it that you can act like a show off without looking foolish? I'd say that's asking a little much. My sensei probably would forbid us to enter a competition with a kata we've only been doing for 10 days because he'd be positive we'd make him look bad (and we probably would). I mean, it's up to you, but I probably wouldn't do it. I'd start working on the kata, but wait for the next competition to enter with it.

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I'm sorry if I sounded as if he is forcing us.He is a so very good person and he would never think of reputation,I think.What he meant by show-off is about kiai,breathing,performing stronger,etc.And none of the members of the team will go there to win but to experience for the next tournaments-all the members except one brown have blue or green belts.And I've just learned that even if I learn Jion and pass the first tour,the second tour's kata is Kanku Dai.That means I'll just go there,bow and go back to my place in the second tour if I can pass the first.What sensei wants is to show us the stress and challenge in the competitions(Yes,I like him so much :D ).

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