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Karate stances practice


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I found this website: http://shitokai.com/ I'm not sure how much help it will be. It has explainations of all the kata and stuff so I figure it probably has stances, too, but a lot of the terms for things it's using are in japanese and my school doesn't do japanese, so you'll have to check it out and let me know! Hope it can help!

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Not to sound like one of the old wise guys but, remember a good stance is like a foundation for a building, if it is weak everything will fall apart.

The best thing to do is practice at your home slowly. at home you can look at your feet positioning and make sure your knees are out, and in place, etc. then at home practice stepping into each stance full speed and power, making sure to land the way you did when you where doing it slowley. since you are at home you can stop to fix the positioning before moving again. Also be sure once you get in the proper position, before you move again, hold the stance for a bit so you can get a feel for the positioning and to develope proper muscle memory.

You do not need to be flexible to do a Jodan (head kick), if your opponent is already on the ground.

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i've always found the mirror to be a very useful tool. at first i'll stand facing it while in yoi, and then step into my initial stance, we'll say zenkutsu dachin/forward stance for now. I'll check if my shoulders and hips are squared up (I use to lean/favor one side). Afterwards, I'll return to yoi and repeat the same steps with my other side.

Once that is done, I'll stand with my side facing the mirror and again step into my forward stance. This time I check to make sure my knee is bent deep enough and the positioning of my feet is correct. Again, repeat on the other side.

If you need pictures of foot positioning, Google Images is your friend . Just type the stance and style ie - http://images.google.com/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hl=en&source=hp&q=forward+stance+shotokan&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

turn the TV on and while watching something you like stand up and go into the stance you want to practice slowly sit in that stance and breath slowly from the belly then move forward or backward in that stance again slowly with the breathing in harmony with your slow movement , do that a few times like a slow motion film .you can then change into other stance like kiba dachi or the back stance then move to front ,just keep doing them slowly with breathing from the belly , you should really start to have sore legs after a while but that could be a sign of a good work out !

change the variations as you make progress ,make scenarios in you mind , by doing it slowly but correctly your mind and body start to make a link of the movement and hopefully after a while it becomes like second nature .

never give up !

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Another idea, if you have access to a video camera, speak to your sensei after class and tell him you're wanting to work on your stances at home to get them better and ask he'll let you borrow him for 2 or 3 minutes so that you can tape him in each of the stances. Then when you're practicing at home, you can turn on the recording and try to mimic him.

We just did that yesterday at my school for one of our white belts who's learning their first kata.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am beginner in Karate and i having hard time with my Sensi regarding Karate stances.

I want to practice at home on my stances but i am looking for the proper/right way to do so.

Can you help me to find the proper way or any trick that i can use to practice at home?

Our Sensi don't allow us to look on our foots and correct the stances he wants that from Yoi (preperation stance) we will go directly to the correct stances without fixing our stance.

ok so a good way to practice the 'horse stance' like your your riding a horse is to put your feet a little bit past shoulder width and sit on your hips with your bum cheeks sucked in like your holding a piece of paper between them. this is how my sensei discribed it. now when you practise this practise it at home and LOOK at your feet or get two sticks and line them paralelle to each other. i swear this technique will have you nailing this stance


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  • 2 weeks later...
Is someone has picture or drawing of the angles and the foot positions of every stance?

In Shito-ryu it is very similar to Shotokan i guess

Humm this might be rather helpful


it has helped me with my stances and mine have gotten deeper and longer just with practice.


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I am beginner in Karate and i having hard time with my Sensi regarding Karate stances.

I want to practice at home on my stances but i am looking for the proper/right way to do so.

Can you help me to find the proper way or any trick that i can use to practice at home?

Our Sensi don't allow us to look on our foots and correct the stances he wants that from Yoi (preperation stance) we will go directly to the correct stances without fixing our stance.

ok so a good way to practice the 'horse stance' like your your riding a horse is to put your feet a little bit past shoulder width and sit on your hips with your bum cheeks sucked in like your holding a piece of paper between them. this is how my sensei discribed it. now when you practise this practise it at home and LOOK at your feet or get two sticks and line them paralelle to each other. i swear this technique will have you nailing this stance

when i do this stance my sensei said i'm 'as solid as the rock of Gilbraltar' LOL.

when you do stances enough you can feel without having to look down, much as a hockey player can 'feel' where the puck is on his/her stick without having to look down you can feel that your legs are in right position.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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