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Newbi question - bowing to your sensei

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I find it really quite funny that almost every new black belt at my school at some point in that first month or so after becoming a black belt will manage to "accidentally" be late to class by about 5 minutes so that the entire class has to stop and bow to them. :)

If a new Black Belt of mine came 5 minutes late to class there would be a whole lot more than bowing going on!


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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We counted on new BBs bringing GFs for the show

I find a BB intentionally being late so their GF can be impressed by people bowing to them extremely immature and disrespectful. I am a woman and I would actually be turned off by this.

BTW I don't even particularly like all of my BB's. I treat all of them well and respectfully but there is only about 4 of them I can say I actually 'like' as people.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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It's all in good fun. If he's only late that one time, I don't see a problem with it. It's like a right of passage type thing. I think it's funny. I'd do it. But then again, my school doesn't bow to black belts and it's perfectly acceptable at my school to come in late, so this is all in theory...

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Haha =] I just thought its a rather lame way to try and 'pick up' chicks :D

one of the funniest pickup ways I've ever heard. and it is kinda disrespectful to deliberately be late for a class.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Hi Guys! I'm new here. I just posted an introduction - "my intro with a little background info".

I was wondering if anyone bows to other students / sensei when they are outside of the dojo? I'm referring to situations that have nothing to do with martial arts. Say you run into a black belt at the mall.

I ask because I ran into a sensei at a gas station and I didn't bow... it felt strange not to.

My instructor requests that we do more of an informal bow; more like a head bob in acknowledgement, when we see him out of class.

Personally, I don't like it. I think in the class, its fine, but out in the world, its not the same, and requiring it is an ego thing, in my opinion. I just tack it up as one of the things that I would do differently if I were running the school.

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I am a bit disappointed at the "we don't bow" comments.

I spent 18 years in a dojo where we bowed when entering and leaving the training area. We bowed when we greeted Sensei or any black belt. We bowed when a black belt entered or left the room (best part of being a new shodan was taking your girlfriend to the dojo so she could be impressed when everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and bowed to you as you entered).

We bowed to each other before and after practicing one on one. We bowed at the beginning of a kata and at the end. We bowed at the beginning and at the end of humite.

Sensei is still Sensei even in the grocery store. But we didn't usually bow outside of the dojo or tourney venues. We would, however, nod and say oss!

The instructor I am with now doesn't insist on nearly as much bowing. The first time I walked into his dojo I paused in the doorway, bowed and loudly said oss! He turned towards me, smiled, and said "Ahh... old school Shotokan!"

It was a pleasure to read your post! I guess all associations/clubs are different. But we bow before and after each technique, when lining up, before and after kumite, when entering and leaving the dojo.

I'm now quite good friends with my Sensei, as are a lot of the club. I would certainly at least bow my head and say oss if I saw my Sensei outside of training. Not to make a big show of it. I mean, kneeling in the traditional bowing position in a supermarket might be a bit over the top!

I would even bow my head and say Oss when visiting my Sensei at his home. Just to show my respect for him, which goes further than just the dojo.

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Random question:

Inside or outside of the dojo...Would your sensei EVER bow to you first?


Good question. To be honest I think they would not. IMO only. I'm not saying everyone would not, but I think the majority would bow after.

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