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2010 Winter Olympics Discussion


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Is anyone watching the Olympics? What has the most exciting moment been so far in your opinion?

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Hockey... did I mention hockey. Go Canada!

Oh and womens downhill yesterday was tragic. That course was tough to hold. I just hope that those who crashed are alright. I find it sad to see those people train hard for years to reach their dream only to wipe out before the finish line.

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I am obsessed with the Winter Olympics, I'm not exactly sure why. For some reason it grabs me much more than the Summer Olympics, and it's not like I do any of the sports involved. I am fascinated by what motivates people to train at such high levels, and I think that having competed in little regional karate tournaments gives me that much more appreciation for what they are going through. If I practice my kata well over and over again in the dojo, and then mess it up in a tournament when it really counts, it can be so disappointing! But I can always try again in a few months, and not have to wait 4 years. It amazes me that people work so hard, and then can lose by hundreths of a second and not lose their mind! Which I probably would! :lol:

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I'm sosososo in love with olympics! Its such a beautiful thing on this earth. The whole world watches the games, waiting for them every 4 years. Its something so lovely, that brings us all together helps unite us in friendship and friendly competition. It is one of the things beautiful on this earth. Love it.

My most fave things?

Joannie Rochette, obviously. what a brave and courageous woman she is. Her mum would have been proud.

When the skiier fell down the hill and broke her ribs and lung and still won a bronze.

And - our hockey double golds, obviously.

Alexander Bilodeau. Special.

Most gold medals.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Congratulations to Canada on the hockey win! To be honest, most of the time I couldn't care less about hockey, but I can certainly appreciate the drama of the U.S. - Canada game. Well, even though I am from the U.S., I am glad that Canada won, because they sponsored the games and hockey is so freaking important to them! Plus it was such an exciting game, going into overtime, and the U.S. has nothing to be ashamed of, coming into 2nd.

One thing that seems funny -- a lot of the time people that come in 3rd in the Olympics are thrilled just to have placed, but people who come in 2nd are often very dejected, feeling that they "lost". What's up with that? I myself would be very happy to have an Olympic silver medal! Maybe in my next life... ha ha ha.

Anyway, I have mixed feelings about the games being over. I am relieved because I have been staying up too late every night, but I am sad that it's over. I am also overwhelmed by the amazing heart that was shown by all of the athletes. Well, most of them at any rate. What's up with that sore loserman Russian skater? Well, aside from him, it was inspiring to see the overall athleticism and good sportsmanship shown by all. Great job, Canada, on putting on a great Winter Games!

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Congratulations to Canada on the hockey win! To be honest, most of the time I couldn't care less about hockey, but I can certainly appreciate the drama of the U.S. - Canada game. Well, even though I am from the U.S., I am glad that Canada won, because they sponsored the games and hockey is so freaking important to them! Plus it was such an exciting game, going into overtime, and the U.S. has nothing to be ashamed of, coming into 2nd.

One thing that seems funny -- a lot of the time people that come in 3rd in the Olympics are thrilled just to have placed, but people who come in 2nd are often very dejected, feeling that they "lost". What's up with that? I myself would be very happy to have an Olympic silver medal! Maybe in my next life... ha ha ha.

I know, eh? People who come in second.....thats great!! If you aim for the sun and hit the moon, are you bad? Certainly not! They arent being realistic to my mind. in theory the best of the best are picked for the olympics. If you come in second against the best of the best, you should have a sile on your face the size of the grand canyon!

What's up with that sore loserman Russian skater? Well, aside from him,

what, you mean Yevgeni Plushenko? He was upset because he did a quad and the one who won the gold never and he thought the person who does the quad should get the gold and it should be a requirement.

Great job, Canada, on putting on a great Winter Games!


Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Thanks still kicking,

I think USA played some damn good hockey. Miller is one amazing goalie. I think he should get some MVP award just for his efforts. Over all I really enjoyed watching all the games.

There is nothing wrong with 2nd place...ever. Did you do your best? That is all the really matters. For me it's always been about "did you have fun?" I coach hockey and I have always stressed the point about it being fun and a game. The coaching staff have always gotten a little flack for this but we still get a ton more parents asking for us to coach thier kid.

Like Blade96 said they are the best of the best. Just being a part of the games says a lot.

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Quoting Jeffrey:

Like Blade96 said they are the best of the best. Just being a part of the games says a lot.

Right! And placing at all says even more! I was particularly amazed by that mens x-c skiing event on the last day. They'd all been skiing their butts off for 50 k already, then they get to the end, and the winners were within one or two seconds of each other, if I remember correctly. It is incredible to me that they can be so equal in skill and ability to come in so close over so much time. I guess it speaks to being trained to the limits of what the human body to endure.

Re: Pleshenko -- I did know that story, that he thought that because he had a quad and the others didn't he should have won. The point is, too bad, the judges didn't think so. The fact is that he just didn't skate as cleanly as the others, and had a few bobbles that really stood out in contrast to the others, and he got deductions for them. I couldn't stand the way he stood up there on the podium in 2nd place, rolling his eyes, and his assumption that he was entitled to the 2st place medal. He should be ashamed of his bad attitude. In contrast, Ohno was always gracious, even when he thought a call against him was unfair, he shrugged it off and figured there were times when they should have called something against him and didn't. He is a true Olympian, Pleshenko not so much. (And it has nothing to do with what country they are from.)

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I meant, of course, that he stood up there and act like he was entitled to the 1st place medal. Though apparently he solved the problem for himself by declaring that he had a platinum medal -- jeesh.

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Like Blade96 said they are the best of the best

well that is in theory, because generally, yes, they pick the best of the best.

But honestly I can think of a couple times when that never happened.

Todd Bertuzzi for the 2006 canadian olympic team? No Sidney Crosby? Say huh? He, Bertuzzi, doesnt even come close to being one of the best of the best. But then the management and coaching of that team didnt have two clicks to rub together to call a sweet clue. so.... *shrugs* Ah well. Karma works. :)

Plushenko's attitude was atrocious as far as I am concerned.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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