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I'm not sure if this is in the right section or not.

I'm a guy and I have been learning Karate for about 2 years now. Last year I decided to grow my hair long. It's now at the difficult stage where it's so long it gets in my way when I train but it's too short to tie back in a ponytail or similar. (Although I have been able to get a pretty funny sumo look going :P )

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and what they did to fix it. One possibility is to wear a bandana (A few people have in the past), but I wanted to try and look at what other options might be available.

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Tough one.

I had hair about that lenght at one time. Yes, it's been awhile back. One of the guys I trained with at the time got a handful during sparring and ran my head into the wall with it. He then proceeded to beat me with the other while pressing my head further and further to the ground.

Next day, I had it shaved down and it's been short since. :lol:


Since in elementary school, I've been growing my hair out and then cutting it off to donate to locks of love (actually, it's about time to do that again-- It's almost down to my butt right now) and then growing it out again. So I've been in that akward stage of too short to put up and so long it gets in the way a lot. I think the bandana is a good idea. Or a sweatband if you don't mind looking all 80s. I always used headbands or barrettes, but a man would look silly in barrettes. Your best bet right now would be sweatbands or bandanas until it grows out long enough to put up or you decide to cut it. There aren't many options when hair is in that awkward stage.


I used to wear a headband too when mine was at that stage . The bandana or do-rag seems like a pretty good option.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius


I wish I could help here, but, I've never had long hair....or hair for that fact. Anyone here remember Bozo the Clown? Remember how his hair was? Well, that's what I looked like whenever I tried to grow long hair when I was a kid.

Sorry, but, tallgeese....OUCH to your story....O-U-C-H! I don't blame you one single bit for shaving it right after that...I would've done the very same thing.


**Proof is on the floor!!!


Do-rag...keeps the hair contained, absorbs the sweat (especially under sparring gear), and available in many fashionable colors!


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


  sensei8 said:
I wish I could help here, but, I've never had long hair....or hair for that fact. Anyone here remember Bozo the Clown? Remember how his hair was? Well, that's what I looked like whenever I tried to grow long hair when I was a kid.

Sorry, but, tallgeese....OUCH to your story....O-U-C-H! I don't blame you one single bit for shaving it right after that...I would've done the very same thing.


Yep.... IRL, long hair will get you in trouble. Why do you think LEOs, military, etc., always wear short doos? Long hair gives your enemy a weapon against you.

For me, it's a straight blade on the back and sides, #2 guard on top ;-)


Just wanted to add--you may want to double check with your instructor before using a bandanna--some schools attach special meaning to them, or don't allow them at all.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.



I had this problem recently.

Well, mine was long enough to tie into a ponytail...But...Ponytails and me...We just don't get along, you know?

I just ended up cutting it really short. I look really weird now, still used to having long hair.

Ah well, totally worth it.


Same problem here, and karate here too.

Waiting for a ponytail (my sensei teases me about it every class >.>)

You could try a hairband, or a beanie if it's cold.

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