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Sometimes I just don't know what to think.

Dr. Frank

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What does one say to a guy wearing seven stripes on his belt who says he has no idea what sandan means when he asks what rank you hold?

How should one react when a Shotokan sandan says he never learned Heian Sandan? This same individual denied that Bassai Dai was a Shotokan kata after seeing it performed.

What would you think of an instructor who has promoted students to sandan and higher ranks when his biography clearly states that he is a nidan?

How would you react to someone telling you he was a black belt at a particular dojo at a specific time and it happens that you were a black belt at that school at that time and you've never heard of him before now?

Then there's the 19 year old who struts into your dojo and casually admits to being an 8th dan.

And the six year old shodan who gets his... OK Mr. Censor... gets soundly defeated by a green belt at a tournament.

And the guy who steadfastly insists that his style is so superior to all others that anyone not trained in his style is helpless.

And the guy who proudly claims to be a 9th kyu knowing that non-martial artists won't realize that's actually a beginner rank.

And the guy who took exactly 3 judo lessons and then opened his own dojo.

And the people who are convinced that martial artists in movies are really as good as they look on the screen.

And the "death touch" people.

And the "knock you down with my chi" people.

And the... well, you get the idea.

Really, is there any area of interest with as many fools and charlatans as found in the martial arts?

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i may only be a white belt, but i do know my thoughts about such things.

What does one say to a guy wearing seven stripes on his belt who says he has no idea what sandan means when he asks what rank you hold?

i'd ask him what kind of a dojo he trained at where he was never taught 'sandan'

How should one react when a Shotokan sandan says he never learned Heian Sandan? This same individual denied that Bassai Dai was a Shotokan kata after seeing it performed.

First one: same thing. what school wa this? Second: I'd tell him to look it up for himself if he dont believe who says its a shotokan kata.

What would you think of an instructor who has promoted students to sandan and higher ranks when his biography clearly states that he is a nidan?

Not much.

How would you react to someone telling you he was a black belt at a particular dojo at a specific time and it happens that you were a black belt at that school at that time and you've never heard of him before now?

call him out on it if it was me.

Then there's the 19 year old who struts into your dojo and casually admits to being an 8th dan.

must have come from a mcdojo.

And the six year old shodan who gets his... OK Mr. Censor... gets soundly defeated by a green belt at a tournament.


And the guy who steadfastly insists that his style is so superior to all others that anyone not trained in his style is helpless.

again, not much.

And the guy who proudly claims to be a 9th kyu knowing that non-martial artists won't realize that's actually a beginner rank.

I'm currently a 9th kyu. and i'd never do something like that! I'd say well im white belt and i havent had my test yet but its verysoon now. I've been in shotokan since september. I wouldnt try to fool anyone. I'd also think that person is trying to impress someone 'look at me im in karate' while hiding what 9th kyu really means.

And the guy who took exactly 3 judo lessons and then opened his own dojo.

again, not much.

And the people who are convinced that martial artists in movies are really as good as they look on the screen.

well you have a point about how its done in movies a certain way because thats what the director wants and real life MA might not necessarily create that result (snipes did a ushiro geri in one of the blade movies but depending on how its done that person might not necessarily get taken out of commission from it.) So people should watch what they see in tv but understand real MA wont necessarily be like that. That said, some Martial artists are really what you see. Snipes does shotokan in the blade movies and he really is a 5th dan shotokan (wiki says 10th dan now but I'm not buying that!) and originally thats why I got interested in Shotokan, because im a fan of wesley snipes and Blade. Thats where my username comes from. I fell in love with Shotokan after I started it. Now, its for my passionate deep love of shotokan and not because of Snipes.

And the "death touch" people.

laugh :P

And the "knock you down with my chi" people.

some amusement. :)

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Really, is there any area of interest with as many fools and charlatans as found in the martial arts?

As a joke I was going to say Lawyers but thought I might offend someone.

I think the greatest example of a Martial Arts charlatan would have to be Grand Master Simon of Temple King Fu. I was once young and Naive.

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and i was gonna say politics :P

but just decided to write what i would think about fools and charlatans of the MA.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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Really, is there any area of interest with as many fools and charlatans as found in the martial arts?

Maybe in fields such as ufologi (is that even a word?), conspiracy theories, and alternative health. Because whatever people on those fields come up with, it's difficult to rationally verify. As it's difficult to verify the claims of some martial artists, and hold them accountable for it. Maybe the real lesson in MA is to experience all the crapola some come up with and the mechanisms that make some accept that crapola as having some truth and value.
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What does one say to a guy wearing seven stripes on his belt who says he has no idea what sandan means when he asks what rank you hold?

How should one react when a Shotokan sandan says he never learned Heian Sandan? This same individual denied that Bassai Dai was a Shotokan kata after seeing it performed.

What would you think of an instructor who has promoted students to sandan and higher ranks when his biography clearly states that he is a nidan?

How would you react to someone telling you he was a black belt at a particular dojo at a specific time and it happens that you were a black belt at that school at that time and you've never heard of him before now?

Then there's the 19 year old who struts into your dojo and casually admits to being an 8th dan.

And the six year old shodan who gets his... OK Mr. Censor... gets soundly defeated by a green belt at a tournament.

And the guy who steadfastly insists that his style is so superior to all others that anyone not trained in his style is helpless.

And the guy who proudly claims to be a 9th kyu knowing that non-martial artists won't realize that's actually a beginner rank.

And the guy who took exactly 3 judo lessons and then opened his own dojo.

And the people who are convinced that martial artists in movies are really as good as they look on the screen.

And the "death touch" people.

And the "knock you down with my chi" people.

And the... well, you get the idea.

Really, is there any area of interest with as many fools and charlatans as found in the martial arts?

There are Mcdojo's everywhere.

Here is what I look for in a school that may potentially be a mcdojo.

- Kids with black belts

-schools that don't spar. (cause if you don't test the techniques against a resistant opponent, how do you know they'll work??)

-no touch knockout

- 1 year contracts

You must become more than just a man in the mind of your opponent. -Henri Ducard

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What does one say to a guy wearing seven stripes on his belt who says he has no idea what sandan means when he asks what rank you hold?

I'd say..."Are you of a style that's not Japanese/Okinawa?"

How should one react when a Shotokan sandan says he never learned Heian Sandan? This same individual denied that Bassai Dai was a Shotokan kata after seeing it performed.

I'd just walk away while I'm shaking my head in disbelief while I'd be muttering to myself...."Oh my word!"

What would you think of an instructor who has promoted students to sandan and higher ranks when his biography clearly states that he is a nidan?

I'd think that I need to report him/her to his Hombu.

How would you react to someone telling you he was a black belt at a particular dojo at a specific time and it happens that you were a black belt at that school at that time and you've never heard of him before now?

I'd politely inform him that I too was at that dojo during those specific times and I don't remember him/her at all.

Then there's the 19 year old who struts into your dojo and casually admits to being an 8th dan.

I'd ask him/her to leave my dojo immediately.

And the six year old shodan who gets his... OK Mr. Censor... gets soundly defeated by a green belt at a tournament.

I wouldn't say or do anything, other than I'd try to console him, after all, he's a kid, now isn't the time to make any damaging comments.

And the guy who steadfastly insists that his style is so superior to all others that anyone not trained in his style is helpless.

I'd simply remind him/her that, imho, there's no such thing as "so superior to all others" in the martial arts; superior/best is an illusion.

And the guy who proudly claims to be a 9th kyu knowing that non-martial artists won't realize that's actually a beginner rank.

I'd say to this guy...."You should be proud of your beginner rank! Right on!"

And the guy who took exactly 3 judo lessons and then opened his own dojo.

I wouldn't give this another thought because when I come back by his dojo next month or so...he'll be closed anyway.

And the people who are convinced that martial artists in movies are really as good as they look on the screen.

What can one say? I'd invite him to some free lessons at my dojo. Besides, movies are a good escape from....whatever....I like to watch a good movie from time to time...even martial arts movies.

And the "death touch" people.

I wouldn't do/say anything. I'd just keep my opinions to myself.

And the "knock you down with my chi" people.

I wouldn't do/say anything. I'd just keep my opinions to myself.

And the... well, you get the idea.

Really, is there any area of interest with as many fools and charlatans as found in the martial arts?

With no one main governing body to regulate and the like, it's really not surprising!....is it?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I'm no blackbelt myself, but here are my opinions!

What does one say to a guy wearing seven stripes on his belt who says he has no idea what sandan means when he asks what rank you hold?

Well I'd first look at the person's age, physical shape and techniques. I'm no expert, but I believe someone who has achieved sandan will be different than someone who has not. I know that I was a LOT different when I was a white belt compared to being blue belt now.

Then again, I've also heard about these "McDojos" in the States, but I wouldn't want to jump to that conclusion.

How should one react when a Shotokan sandan says he never learned Heian Sandan? This same individual denied that Bassai Dai was a Shotokan kata after seeing it performed.

Well, is he really a Shotokan practitioner? If he really is a Shotokan practitioner and has never learned Sandan or heard of Bassai Dai, then I would really raise my eyebrow.

Unless the person just forgot about it... this is especially strange because to my knowledge, Bassai Dai is a REQUIREMENT for a Shodan exam and Heian Sandan is a requirement for green belt... I'd seriously start to doubt the person's credences.

What would you think of an instructor who has promoted students to sandan and higher ranks when his biography clearly states that he is a nidan?

I don't know how this works in the world at large, but my dojo is part of the JKA association in North America. My dojo instructors are both 4th dan (and I don't think they are phony) and they only promote maximum to 1st Kyu. Any blackbelt exam is taken with the JKA under the supervision of senior senseis from Japan.

Your situation here does sound suspicious.

How would you react to someone telling you he was a black belt at a particular dojo at a specific time and it happens that you were a black belt at that school at that time and you've never heard of him before now?

Maybe he was just missing a lot of class. If it is pertinent, question him. If not, who cares. I sincerely believe that a belt should only serve as an indicator of what you truly are. I know I am a blue belt and am nowhere near as ready or mature to be a black belt. So even if you hand me a black belt now and tell me I can wear it, I wouldn't find it fitting for me.

Then there's the 19 year old who struts into your dojo and casually admits to being an 8th dan.

I'd LOL very hard and dismiss him. The highest level I know for someone 19 is Nidan. And even then, that person worked seriously hard.

And the six year old shodan who gets his... OK Mr. Censor... gets soundly defeated by a green belt at a tournament.

My "nice" side would say that he had a bad day. Or that the Green belt is really Chuck Norris in hiding.

Most likely a fraud if not.

And the guy who steadfastly insists that his style is so superior to all others that anyone not trained in his style is helpless.

My sensei once told me. The style is only as good as the warrior.

Bruce Lee was a top fighter. He trained in Wing Chun and even developed Jeet Kune Do. Does that mean any Wing Chun/JKD practitioner is Bruce Lee? Of course not. Bruce Lee was a true dedicated warrior. I don't think it would have made it a difference whether he trained in Wing Chun, Karate, TKD, MMA or even boxing. He would have still been a top fighter.

And the guy who proudly claims to be a 9th kyu knowing that non-martial artists won't realize that's actually a beginner rank.

Well, I'd personally just smile. I know that back when I was a beginner, I wasn't very humble. I was jealous of everyone above me and always wanted to show off my new belts (yellow, orange, green, whatnot). But after I got my blue belt, I really understood that a belt means nothing. A grade means nothing. What I am is in my head and in my body and no belt or rank will change that.

And the guy who took exactly 3 judo lessons and then opened his own dojo.

LOL. I... don't know what I'd say haha. My evil side would say, go to that dojo and in front of all his students, proceed to humiliate him. But what do we care right?

And the people who are convinced that martial artists in movies are really as good as they look on the screen.

Let them have their beliefs. I decided long ago not to argue with people. I might tell them my opinion, but whether they believe it or not is up to them. I would tell them that movies are movies and that things are more "flashy" for entertainment purposes. In real martial arts, the most effective techniques are sometimes the least flashy. I mean, why use a butterfly triple 360 sommersault air double tornado roundhouse kick of death if you risk missing, landing unbalanced and getting beaten up when you can use the tried-and-tested Maegiri to the stomach?

And the "death touch" people.

Hahaha, explain to them that there are pressure points and weak points in the body that can be exploited in combat (like throat, right under the sternum or joints) but that there is no magical "off" button for humans.

And the "knock you down with my chi" people.

Although I've never done Tai Chi or any Chinese martial arts where they emphasize a lot about Chi, I believe the concept is quite real. Focus and meditation can make the body to amazing things. I think it's the same as Kime in Karate and the reason why we do Mokuso before class, to prepare the mind and body.

I don't know what "knock one down with one's chi" is, but I imagining something going into horse stance, looking constipated and suddenly, you are blown away by hurricane force winds.

I'd LOL :lol:

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Responding to some of the comments...

The 7th dan was a Tae Kwon Do stylist. But isn't 3rd dan in Koren samdan? This is only one letter off from the Japanese sandan. Shouldn't someone around the martial arts long enough to achieve that rank level at least recognize a term only one letter off from what he uses? Maybe I'm wrong...

I don't blame the 6 year old shodan, I blame his instructor. First, no 6 year old is physically or emotionally mature enough to be a black belt. Secondly, shodan should take at least 3 years (if athletic and talented) and more like 4-5 years for adults to attain and longer for juniors. Must have been tough for this kid training in diapers.

Yes, the sandan unaware of Heian Sandan and Bassai Dai was definitely a Shotokan practitioner. Owns a dojo and advertises instruction in Shotokan karate. I have no idea who trained or promoted this individual (if in fact anyone did these things).

The chi comment referred to those folks who claim they can knock an opponent down or propel him backwards with no physical contact, using their chi energy alone. I do not believe this is possible and the several demonstrations I have seen of this techniques left me convinced that it is indeed not possible (they failed miserably in their attempts to move people with only their chi).

The rule of thumb in our association is that 3rd dan is instructor rank and at that level a person may teach, open a dojo, and make rank promotions up to two levels below his own. So a 3rd can make a 1st. Not meaning to criticize but simply state a fact as I see it, the JKA has always been about keeping power in Japan so I am not surprised that they don't allow Western Yondans ro make black belt rank promotions. They require graduating from their "Instructor Program" which is reserved for Japanese members of the association.

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