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Feeling depressed


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hey dont get me wrong i aint go no problem


just thought i would share some of my experiences with you all,


MA does help me keep in shape and get me thinking positive,


thnx for the advice ,



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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I was diagnosised with severe depression when i was 15. I'm 22 now so i have a good deal of expierence. Ad things do sound paticulary bad for you.If it gets too bad you may want to see a therapist or maybe even a psychiatrist and see if you should try some anti-depressiants.
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All true, and don't listen to well-meaning people who tell you to enjoy your teen years because "these are the best years of your life." If high school is the best part of your life, you stopped trying after high school. For most people it only gets better.


I should have been one of the "happy" kids in high school. I got good grades, football all-star, track. . . well, I made the team. I had a good family with two loving parents and though we were poor I didn't particularly care and never went hungry. But for a teenager, sometimes it just comes and none of the good things in life make any difference. I even wondered about suicide sometimes, and now only a few years later I can't remember why. Must have been truly earth-shattering stuff, huh?


Listen to angry music REALLY loud and smash non-valuable possessions. It worked for me. I suggest old Metallica--before the black album.




* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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Good advice :smile: Now that I do MA, I was taught "control". I know how to control myself now. Meditation helps. Just sit and breath. Concentrate on breathing and clear your mind. That's all I do, and I feel so much better. I forget what I was mad about.



Laurie F

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You're not alone, ad. When I feel depressed or angry, I just go running. I'll run, and run. The feeling inside fuels my need to run, until I'm dead tired. I'll be numb to everything, until the emotion rise up again and I'll run. Or sometime, I'll go and punch my heavy bag without any gloves, until my knuckles start bleeding. Everybody has some kind of baggage they carry around. Some people just have other ways to let it all go, by talking to friends or love ones. I just tend to keep everything bottle up inside, and take it out by running or hitting the heavy bag.

Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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On 2002-07-22 19:19, ad wrote:


it makes me feel better to hear that there are other people who know what i am going through


This is why it is good to share. I think everybody at one point or another in their life has felt or will feel like you feel now. As Karatekid and Pizzaboy do, I also like to run my problems away, or let it out on the punchbag. Meditation really does help you to become calm and happy with yourself, I think you should give it a try - it helped me when I was feeling down.




Best of luck in a speedy recovery, bud. Summer is here now so take it easy. :smile:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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  • 3 weeks later...
I know this has been not talked on for a while, but I would just like to say that I was depressed for three years, but then once I got over the problems, like friends, and weight issues, but then I realized, those things didn't really matter, now I am happy, much more happy...I don't know if that can help you much, but just try to see the good, thats what I did...

It's what you put into it...

1st kyu-Okinawa Shorin Ryu Matsumura Seito Federation

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I have an important question for you:


Do you, or do you not think that you are clinically depressed? If you need help answering this question, go here:




Or ask someone at a depression forum about depression. These people KNOW what it's like.


It's true we all have some really bad times in our lives. But when you're clinically depressed, it's very different. Why else do people slice their body, and kill themselves?


Most people who died by suicide were not recieving any help. So if you tell someone what they feel is normal, it could just make things worse.


ad, you may or may not be clinically depressed. If you are, please see a psychiatrist. If not, maybe your problem is something totally different.


Shuriken: art of Japanese blade throwing

Shorin-ryu karate with influences from White Crane Kung Fu

15 years old

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