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Shotokan Question


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Ok I am learning Shotokan now. What are the Katas I need to know for BB. The instuctor told me I need to learn the Heinan 1-5 and Baisai Dai. As well as being proficient in sparring and defence. I have prior experience in Goju ryu and am still practicing it as well. I am asking because there are so many kata, I was suprised that only 6-7 of over 20 would get you to shodan.

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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Ok I am learning Shotokan now. What are the Katas I need to know for BB. The instuctor told me I need to learn the Heinan 1-5 and Baisai Dai. As well as being proficient in sparring and defence. I have prior experience in Goju ryu and am still practicing it as well. I am asking because there are so many kata, I was suprised that only 6-7 of over 20 would get you to shodan.

at least in our club, we need to know Heian 1-5, Tekki Shodan, Jion, and then Bassai Dai.

Bassai Dai is the test kata for 1st kyu and BB.

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You need to be able to perform all the Heian Kata well and at least know Bassai Dai, though there are other brown belt Kata you may learn aswell. But your sensei has told you the "requirements" for the grading accurately as far as it would also be where I train.

Your experience in Goju Ryu may help (purely in terms of fitness and performance), but be aware of which style and techniques you should be performing on the day. I train with someone experienced in Wado Ryu, which shares some Katas with Shotokan except there are subtle differences in the targets and techniques used, which any examiner will notice a mile off.

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Your experience in Goju Ryu may help (purely in terms of fitness and performance), but be aware of which style and techniques you should be performing on the day.

The kata are not even close so I don't forsee mixing any thing up. The blocks are slightly different, as Goju is more circular and flowy and Shoto seems more linear and hard. The strikes are the same but thats about it.

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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The kata are not even close so I don't forsee mixing any thing up. The blocks are slightly different, as Goju is more circular and flowy and Shoto seems more linear and hard. The strikes are the same but thats about it.

Terminology is the same; stances are the same. The blocks and punches are called the same thing, they are simply done in a little different manner. I have worked with many karatekas who cross train. For those individuals, senseis rarely make a big deal if the blocks are a little more circular than normal. I have noticed, especially from shodan up, karatekas are trusted to hone their techniques and change things a bit to suit their own personal style.

As far as requirements go, you also need to learn Jiyu Ippon Kumite, Kihon Kata 1-5, and kihon ippon kumite. This is for SKI; JKA requirements are different. Depending on if your school is affiliated with SKI, JKA, USKA, or one of the many other karate associations, the requirements may differ from one school to another.

My dojo is affiliated with SKI. Our requirements are here:


Way of Japan Karate Do

Bakersfield, Ca. USA

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Sweet, thanks for the info Mudansha. Much appreciated!

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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Ok I am learning Shotokan now. What are the Katas I need to know for BB. The instuctor told me I need to learn the Heinan 1-5 and Baisai Dai. As well as being proficient in sparring and defence. I have prior experience in Goju ryu and am still practicing it as well. I am asking because there are so many kata, I was suprised that only 6-7 of over 20 would get you to shodan.

at least in our club, we need to know Heian 1-5, Tekki Shodan, Jion, and then Bassai Dai.

Bassai Dai is the test kata for 1st kyu and BB.

yeah that's why myfriend can't test for her BB yet - she doesn't yet know her bassai dai (at competition she did heian godan instead)

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It depends on your Shotokan organization and school.

JKA you will have to know all Kihon, Tekki Katas, One Brown Belt Kata of your choice (or one that your Sensei thinks you need most for development) will be required, but typically you will know all of them by then. By the time you get to Shodan, what katas to know will not even be an issue...

- Killer -

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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