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Goals to set before aiming for a black belt


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Before taking a test, these are the steps that any beginner can take now to ensure a successful path to black belt:

1. Define what the black belt means to you personally

2. Set a realistic period in which to reach your goal

3. Break your overall goal down into smaller content chunks

4. Understand exactly what content you need to learn

5. Get to know the black belts in your club and ask them how they were successful.

6. Go to class on a regular basis

7. Practice at home

8. Read books on karate and your style and do some research on the Internet

9. Find a training partner who shares the same goal and push each other to the next level

10. Never give up on becoming a black belt

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My personal opinion on this and this is only my point of view.

Too many people are concerned on the end and not the means.

Growth and improvement should be the goal. Although harder to measure it is the better goal to pursue.

Sure aim for blackbelt but don't aim for being as good as the others. Aim to be better than your teacher.

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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Sure aim for blackbelt but don't aim for being as good as the others. Aim to be better than your teacher.

Also aim to be the best "you." Some people have more or less natural abilities and/or physical limitations. Know what you're capable of and push yourself to do it to your best ability.

Like you said, having the black belt as a goal is fine, but too many people put too much focus on getting that belt around their waist. It is a great sense of accomplishment when it happens and it can still be a long term goal in the back of your mind, but until it becomes a more near term goal, one would be better served by putting their focus on the goal of learning the material they're currently being taught and tackling the rank requirements for their current belt.

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It would be interesting to see steps that a beginner can take after gaining their black belt. The oft repeated adage that bb is a beginning not an end is certainly proving true in my experience - so much to learn and improve.

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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1. Always continue to train!

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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first of all i'm a new member so hi to everyone :)

Having gone through it all not so long ago, i'd say to take on board every piece of advice that your instructor or other blackbelts at the club give you, generally they always seem to know best :wink:

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