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A question

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this is my personal experience and would like your feedback on what, if anything could have been done to fight back/escape.

I am a 5'4"/ 125lb female:

I was jumped by 2 men while walking to my car late one night ( leaving work)

One walked out from behind my truck so I would see him and the other came sneaking up behind and grabbed me while I was startled by the first guy. The guy that grabbed me picked me up off the ground while the other came closer.

My reaction at that point was pure shock..no reaction.The guy who came from behind my truck had a baseball bat , I realized I was in big trouble and kicked him in the face, I used the guy holding me to get leverage and knocked him out cold. I am sure he didn't expect that.

The guy holding me started to strangle me and I think if I had known what to do I could have gotten away. As it was I fought long and hard but the guy I kicked came back around and long story short they beat me nearly to death and took my truck. I think they were after legal drugs I kept in my truck due to the type of work I did.

Could someone my size, caught totally by surprise escape from this attack?

I realize that it is impossible to follow all possible outcomes and I have thought through several ways I should have responded differently.

Not all those who wander are lost... -- J.R.R. Tolkien

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Well kudos to you for taking martial arts. very glad to hear it and welcome to the world of Martial arts.

A handgun pretty much sums it up. Thats a very good self defense tool. most times if you pull it out, the assailants should flee...that is unless their hard core into getting what they want, which is the case alot of times. SO, I really wouldnt pull it out, unless you do plan to give it a squeeze.

Now to answer your question.

I do think that a woman your height and size can get out of a hold such as that.

So I assume he had a front hold on you.

I would say the first thing you should do is get out of the grab or hold he had on you. What kind of hold did he have on you? What was he grabbing on to?

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He had me in a "bear hug" from behind, one arm around my middle and one arm around my throat. my left arm was trapped but my right arm was free until it was broken later in the fight.

Not all those who wander are lost... -- J.R.R. Tolkien

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One scenario we work on is when in a bear hug, you thrash your head backwards, in an attempt to hit a vital point in the face. But there are other scenarios that we work on, but it is extremely difficult to talk one through it through internet.

Have you spoken to your TKD instructor at all about this?

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Yes I have ask about it but thought I might get some other ideas.

Also, the anonymity of the internet helps you talk about things that might make others uncomfortable.

Most people just want to pat my hand and tell me don't worry about it, you are just lucky to be alive.

True that, but I want to learn and become better for it.

I feel now that I am unable to walk very well I make an even better target and I want to have a game plan.

I appreciate the information and I am really just trying to satisfy my curiosity.

Not all those who wander are lost... -- J.R.R. Tolkien

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Yes I have ask about it but thought I might get some other ideas.

Also, the anonymity of the internet helps you talk about things that might make others uncomfortable.

Most people just want to pat my hand and tell me don't worry about it, you are just lucky to be alive.

True that, but I want to learn and become better for it.

I feel now that I am unable to walk very well I make an even better target and I want to have a game plan.

I appreciate the information and I am really just trying to satisfy my curiosity.

Ahh well. learning is always a good thing, and you are lucky to be alive...but you should always be looking for ways to move around it also. So the should just back off, haha.

But back on track...

Expertvillage, and youtube, have a few good escape techniques. If you feel like listening through all the introductions of who is who, than those would be good places to see something visual.

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I think what you're doing now (being proactive rather than reactive) is a good thing. Kudos to you for not taking the role of victim ever again.

With that said, I think the main thing to take from that is "Don't get caught surprised." What many MAists fail to realize (I myself didn't for quite some time) that our most important tool is AWARENESS. Yes, we may train that roundhouse kick until we can smash bricks with it, but our best tool in our toolbox is being aware of our surroundings and individuals who stick out.

I know it's not always 100% correct to look back at a situation with 20/20 hindsight (i.e. knowing all the facts now when you didn't then), but in this case it might warrant it. When you were leaving work, were you preoccupied with other things on your mind or were you actively watching your surroundings? Did you have your keys already in your hand ready to open your car before you left the building or did you have to fumble around for them in your purse? Did you notice anyone standing by your car who shouldn't have been in the first place?

Sometimes being aware is what helps prevent us from getting in those situations in the first place. I'm glad to know you survived and are being proactive, that's very important and definitely a testament to your intestinal fortitude. Much respect in that regards.

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