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Century Cataloge

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I know a lot of gear sites. Century offers wholesale prices to schools (dojo or dojangs ). You have to call them though. Century usually does have some good quality stuff.










check my web site out. In the links for gear I will be adding more very soon




Hope this helps.....Enjoy my site.



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Yes those are all good sites. I believe we have several threads on martial art equipment sites. If any of you members have purchased previously from an online source, you can post the link to their site in the LINKS section up on top . Thank you!


And BlueDragon1981 ... nice site. Which reminds me -- I need to put a few of those nice looking KF banners on my site! :nod:



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I've bought a heavy bag and some other stuff from Century. Since i live in oklahoma i sometimes drive up to the store to buy stuff and to tell you the truth the people that work their are kinda rude and hardly ever ask if you need any help.
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Since they are mainly a catalog company the store being rude doesnt surprize me.


Thanks KickChick....I like to hear people actually went to my site and enjoyed it. Anything that you would like me to add to it...I take suggestions too.



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I know, this is kind of unrelated, but I hate it when I go into the fitness stores and the guys in there follow me around just 'cause I'm a girl, or they think I'm there to steal. I was testing out some weights and equipment in Olympia, with my male friend, and they told me to put the weights down before I hurt myself. A bunch of otha people , guys mainly, were doing the same thing, and he didn't follow them around and yell at them.




Dee :karate:



Dee C.

Normal ( 'nor-m&l)-

an adj. used by humans to stereotype

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Dee, knowing me, I woulda flexed my arms (I'm muscular for a chic) and said something like "Do I look like I will hurt myself?" :lol:


Anyway, as far as Centry goes, in my oppinion, they suck. Their uniforms (which my school uses) shrink, and the belts "stretch" and they don't stay tied. My yellow belt was the perfect length when I got it (just above mid-thigh level), but it stretched so much that it was down to my knees when I tested my green belt. And I only had my yellow for two and a half months ...... sheesh! My school is using another brand of belts, and letting the Centry ones run out. I wish they'd do the same for the uniforms.



Laurie F

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