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Before the action starts?


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After all I've read here, and from what I know that I could pull off if push comes to shove is:

Person approaches me giving attitude and threats--- firstly try to avoid by talking my way out of it all the while keeping distance and keeping the hands in a non threatening, yet instantly defensive mode.

Then, if I'm attacked physically, block, kick groin (a few times if possible), then get outta dodge. If that's not enough and I need to keep going, land a few shots to nose (attempting to break it)....then get outta there.

Hopefully I would be able to do something like groin kick, punch face, elbow face, low kick to leg or something....and that gives me enough time to get away.

Nothing fancy....just basic boom boom, run! Today I'm going to bring this up to my Shihan and see what he says. Most of the self defense stuff we go over that applies to a situation has to do with even scarier stuff like knives and guns....which really.....as a white belt.....I think I'd freak out before I could do anything!!!

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It obvious that you'll be less comfortable with movements associated with worst case scenario events early in your study. However, now is the time to start purging the "freak out" factor from your thinking.

The more you mentally prepare for the encounters you mention and rep movements to prepare you, the less likely you'll be to freak out when an encounter actually occurs. This will go great distances to keep you alive.

The ealier you start "stress innoculating" yourself, the better. It's the more time you have to prepare for an event.

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Then, if I'm attacked physically, block, kick groin (a few times if possible), then get outta dodge. If that's not enough and I need to keep going, land a few shots to nose (attempting to break it)....then get outta there.

I'd agree with that, though a hit to the throat would be more effective and you wouldn't have to hit hard.

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Then, if I'm attacked physically, block, kick groin (a few times if possible), then get outta dodge. If that's not enough and I need to keep going, land a few shots to nose (attempting to break it)....then get outta there.

I'd agree with that, though a hit to the throat would be more effective and you wouldn't have to hit hard.

A hit to the throat is nearly improbable. As with many tactics, a opponent is not just going to "stand there".

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I can see doing a hit to the throat...but I think that would be more difficult. Plus...and I doubt I would think of this in the heat of the moment...but many people warn of hitting in the throat (unless you really think the person will kill you) since you could kill or seriously harm someone and then there are lawsuits.

All said and done...better to be judged by 12 than carried about by 6, but I suppose if some little punk takes a shot at your face, and you think you can just pop him in the groin and leave him there crying, then why destroy his throat?

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I can see doing a hit to the throat...but I think that would be more difficult. Plus...and I doubt I would think of this in the heat of the moment...but many people warn of hitting in the throat (unless you really think the person will kill you) since you could kill or seriously harm someone and then there are lawsuits.

All said and done...better to be judged by 12 than carried about by 6, but I suppose if some little punk takes a shot at your face, and you think you can just pop him in the groin and leave him there crying, then why destroy his throat?

Being judged by 12 doesnt necessrily mean that you would still not be put to detah for wrongful actions. Even if one resides in a incarceration system that does have a death penalty, one can be out to death among "cell mates".

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A hit to the throat is nearly improbable. As with many tactics, a opponent is not just going to "stand there".

Nearly isn't always!

You're right....their not just going to "stand there"! Is the martial arts that useless? Why is a hit to the throat "nearly improbable"? Couldn't someone like, Fumio Demura, Mas Oyama, Hidetaka Nishiyama, GSP, Hirozoku Kanazawa, Cung Le, or Lyoto Machida or (you fill in the blank) find/create the opportunity to hit the throat? If not, then why even bother with anything concerning the martial arts? Especially, if the throat is nearly improbable. Doesn't anyone have the ability, the speed, the tenacity, and/or the veracity to pull off the improbable?

Wouldn't it reason that if I can reach my opponents throat from the front with either one or both of my hands that I should be able to hit my opponents neck SHOULD the opportunity present itself? I'd like to think that there's some logic in my question/statement.

One of my most favorite "off-buttons", Tuite 101, is a thumb/finger jab/poke to the throat...while their moving/ducking and the like. It's effective and I can do it at will 9 out of 10 times. How? I create the opportunity via feints and the like. What? No 10 out of 10...why? Nothing is guaranteed, therefore, I'm allowing a slight varible.

Something bears being repeated....Nearly isn't always!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a strong advocate of "the fence" as promoted by Geoff Thompson.

Keep you hands up and use them to maintain distance between you and your adversary.

Don't wait for an attack - always strike pre-emptively and make sure you follow up your attack.

Do not make the mistake of stepping back to assess the damage after a pre-emptive strike - if he is still standing then he is still a risk.

I have seen many people strike pre-emptively only to then go on and lose a fight simply because they failed to follow up their attack after realising their assailant was unperturbed.

Simply do what is necessary to escape and worry about the legal ramifications of the altercation later. (9 times out of 10 you can disappear before the police turn up in any event and, as long as you have't seriously injured the other person, these matters are rarely taken any further)

This may sound a little over the top to some, but you cannot afford to take chances when it comes to self protection / self preservation.

You never know how an alteracation will end and its better to "over-react" in one sense, than become a statistic

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