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Funny things students say

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While practicing katas or kihon a white belt will always ask:

"Is class almost over?"

Haha thats cute. =] I dont wish for class to be over though. I wish it was longer! Thats how much i love shotokan........

I said a funny thing yesterday.....or rather kind of dumb, not funny.

I was doing heian shodan and when I got to the part where I make 3 oi zuki's and kiai on the third one, my BB called me cause he wanted to fix something in my technique. I wasn't thinking and I blurted out, 'something wrong?' Duh. of course there was. and black belt, bless him, I love him to death, he had this look on his face, haha, you couldn't blame him - replied ' there's always something new to learn every training night' I realized immediately what I said and thank god I'm black haired with a dark complexion because it means I dont blush easily. I said immediately, what kind of a question is that?

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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One of my 13 year old Brown Belts came up to me just as class ended. Here's the conversation....

Me: Hello sir.

Student: Hi Sensei Bob.

Me: How's everything going with you and your family?

Student: Fine.

Student: You know what I figured out?

Me: No, what?

Student: You can't mess up with spelling your name.

Me: Huh? I can't? How do you mean?

Student: Well...

Student: You spell BOB, B-O-B, right?

Me: Yeah.

Student: You got it made sir because you can't spell it wrong.

Me: Ok, how's that?

Student: You can spell it forwards, backwards, and upside down and no matter what you still get BOB. Plus, its only got 3 letters. Nobody can mess that up.

Me: [laughing] You know what?

Student: No, what?

Me: You're absolutely correct! [laughing]

Student: Yeah [laughing].

Student: Sir, maybe they had you in mind sir when they came up with BOB sir! [laughing a little more louder]

Me: Yeah...You just might be right. [laughing a little more louder myself]

Simple, to the point, I can't mess it up and you know what? My students know me way to well, lol!!!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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whenever I would help students out on punching a human target I would usually have them hit me in the gut.

I had one go, mister pulver how am I to hurt you with a belly like that?? I looked at him sternly for a moment and just said I'm in the next phase of training for buddha.

He had a blank look on his face and one of the other black belts heard it came over started to rub my so call belly and said Now we all have good luck.

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whenever I would help students out on punching a human target I would usually have them hit me in the gut.

I had one go, mister pulver how am I to hurt you with a belly like that?? I looked at him sternly for a moment and just said I'm in the next phase of training for buddha.

He had a blank look on his face and one of the other black belts heard it came over started to rub my so call belly and said Now we all have good luck.

LOL...Now that's funny!!!!!!!!!!!

:P :lol:

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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One of my 13 year old Brown Belts came up to me just as class ended. Here's the conversation....

Me: Hello sir.

Student: Hi Sensei Bob.

Me: How's everything going with you and your family?

Student: Fine.

Student: You know what I figured out?

Me: No, what?

Student: You can't mess up with spelling your name.

Me: Huh? I can't? How do you mean?

Student: Well...

Student: You spell BOB, B-O-B, right?

Me: Yeah.

Student: You got it made sir because you can't spell it wrong.

Me: Ok, how's that?

Student: You can spell it forwards, backwards, and upside down and no matter what you still get BOB. Plus, its only got 3 letters. Nobody can mess that up.

Me: [laughing] You know what?

Student: No, what?

Me: You're absolutely correct! [laughing]

Student: Yeah [laughing].

Student: Sir, maybe they had you in mind sir when they came up with BOB sir! [laughing a little more louder]

Me: Yeah...You just might be right. [laughing a little more louder myself]

Simple, to the point, I can't mess it up and you know what? My students know me way to well, lol!!!!


This one's cute. :)

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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well I'm not an instructor, but once when I was in class training basic maegeri, a new student next to me who joined my college club that day suddenly stood on one foot and folded his hands into some pseudo-ninja-movie hand position.

When the instructor said "Uh...What are you doing?" he said, "shhh... don't disturb me, my energy is low so I am pooling my chakra."

The funny part was that the student was an American... who I'm pretty sure only knew about chakra from anime. Meanwhile the instructor was a Buddhist who lived and trained most of his life in Japan.

...I was torn between giggling and cringing.

"My work itself is my best signature."

-Kawai Kanjiro

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Recently we were introducing the intermediate ranked students in the children's class some more advanced kicks that involved spins. As one of the students (who's 8 years old) tried the kick, they missed the bag, so the black belt who was holding the bag for them reached his arm around and smacked the bag with his hand to get a slapping sound and joked to the student, "If the kicker misses the bag, it's the bagholder's responsibility to slap the bag so it sounds like they hit it."

A few minutes later, that same black belt was demonstrating how to the kick would look at full speed. Since it involved both jumping and spinning, after doing it a few times he started to get a little dizzy but he decided to do the technique once more and lost his balance as he landed. I heard that same 8 year old student from a few minutes prior lean over to one of the other black belts and ask "So, if you're supposed to slap the bag when the kicker misses, what are you supposed to do when they fall?"

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I crosstrained, so that I did 2 months of Kenpo karate as well as my mainlove, my pride and joy, the ma i simply adore, Shotokan of course!

In the kenpo class sometimes after a night of training, oneof the sensei's assistants(his son, who was acting as sempai) would show us some ju jitsu moves of how to get out of holds that people might have on you. In oneof them, the attacker and the defender had to both fall down, with the defender on top. We partnered upand we each did the technique,one at a time.

When onewhite belt girl was doing it with one of the guys, and they both fell down with the girl on top, somebody else (think it was a blue belt) next to me said loudly, jokingly, "Get a room!"

We all cracked up, including the sensei and his son :lol:

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

You don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to let your own flame shine.

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