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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Promotion

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Well I went to the gym for my weekly dose of BJJ this morning. On my drive there I just wasn't feeling it today. But I had decided to make the best of it since I only get to do this once a week. The technique portion of class was great. Learning some new angles on old moves and new combonations. Got very minor corrections made on the new moves I'd learned and som complements from my instructor. As we started to roll I still wasn't feeling in the zone. I decided to try things I had learned in the past but not applied during sparring. I rolled myself right into a couple submissions. After rolling with the five others in attendance I rolled with my instructor this was the round I felt went really well. Not that I can do anything with him I just reconized when I was about to screw up and made the proper adjustments. As we lined up to end class the instructor grabbed his tape to stripe someone. I looked up the line and figured it was either the guy that has three stripes or the guys who had two already. My name was called. What? Me? I totally surprised by this since I had promoted just a few weeks prior. To say the least I did not expect this especially since I didn't think I had done that well with the others with exception of the instructor.

I may have had a mental block on the other guys since I just wasn't feeling it. But I know no matter how bad you feel or how bad you've done when you roll with the instructor you have to turn your game up a notch. I'm proving to myself that a dream is coming true little by little. I've been wanting to train in a grappling style under a good instructor since I started back in the martial arts. It has taken my five years to be able to do this and I now loving every minute of it.

Guys and gals even if you can only train one time a week for a couple hours that one day it helps. I have always studied grappling and submissions mostly from text and videos trying to make up for not having the chance to have actual instruction.I have always thought I picked grappling techniques up fairly quick and been pretty good for having no formal training.But I can say since starting in July I can tell a dramatic improvement in my ground game. Thanks to my instructors for the great amount of knowledge they have passed to me. For without their knowledge I would not have my knowledge.

Train smart, Train Hard, be true to yourself and others and your dreams will come true.

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