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ReBuilding of the WTC


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Nothing should be built there but a memorial park. Yes, I know that the ground rent in that part of Manhattan is monstrous but one shouldn't put commerce above the fact that this is a mass grave, even a war grave. It would be sacrilege to build upon it.


I had the honour of visiting the site recently and it was unbearably moving.


My karma will run over your dogma


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While it is true that the WTC site calls forth an emotional reaction (yes many of us have visited the site ... for some it is in our backyard) and it needs some kind of memorial to those who died on September 11, but turning the site into a mausoleum is the wrong action to take. It is an irrational emotional response.


On the contrary, rebuilding the towers would be the most fitting


memorial to America and what it represents (maybe only an American can understand).


Finding supporters for reconstruction is as easy as looking to those who cleared the


rubble from the collapsed towers. Many of the construction workers expressed a desire to work without pay to help rebuild the towers.


Reason dictates that the most fitting tribute to those who died in the attacks is a soaring beacon to the rest of the civilized world – a beacon that represents freedom.

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While it is true that the WTC site calls forth an emotional reaction (yes many of us have visited the site ... for some it is in our backyard) and it needs some kind of memorial to those who died on September 11, but turning the site into a mausoleum is the wrong action to take. It is an irrational emotional response.


I understand the view that the towers should be rebuilt as an act of defiance and have some sympathy for that view - after all I have lived with the reality of coping with terrorism all my life as a citizen of Northern Ireland(!!) and know intimately that terrorists win by propagating terror and abnormality to the society they attack.


However I do not think - think, not feel - that a mass grave should be built upon. That isn't an irrational response at all (and I'm trying hard not to feel patronised by the suggestion :evil:), it's about having due respect for the dead and especially those that died for others. It's the same reason why the trenches in Northern France have not been built upon, and why Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen have not been built upon for commercial reasons - it would be a sacrilege, even worse than the ar5eholes who dishonour the war memorial in Battery Park by trying to flog fake sunglasses there (about ten or more such leeches, by my count).


On a lighter note, do you live in Manhatten? Wasn't it HOT there recently? I couldn't bear the heat or pollution in Manhattan itself - it was like being in a blast furnace!


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After viewing this .... can you honestly tell me, that paying due respect would be not to rebuild in memorial to those that died making their living there ... -- to rebuild so that they did not die in vain.


Sorry ... did not mean to appear patronizing to you ... :roll:


I'm 2 hrs. from Manhattan ... yes its been "clothing optional" this week! :brow:

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Like I said, I can see your viewpoint, but no, I disagree with it for the reasons stated.


S'all right.


I was in Long Island, Jamaica and Manhattan when I was over and I don't think I've ever been so hot in all my life (another consequence of being Northern Irish I suppose!) I was a stumbling wreck at the end of each day. Do cicadas REALLY explode or was my host pulling my leg?


My karma will run over your dogma


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